注册日期:2011-02-08 19:37:15

xml_toolbox.zip - this is xml toolbox which is usefull to read xml files in matlab.,2011-02-14 19:23:49,下载23次
tinyosbook.zip - book on tiny os which is required for sensor network guys...,2011-02-14 19:08:12,下载13次
paper.zip - paper on A comparison for camera selection and handoff in a video network. ,2011-02-14 19:03:41,下载5次
VideoFingerPrinting.rar - video finger printing code,2011-02-12 15:09:11,下载25次
copy-and-paste-detection.rar - This part implements the copypaste forgery detection.,2011-02-10 01:15:23,下载331次
copy-and-paste-detection.rar - This part implements the copypaste forgery detection.,2011-02-10 01:13:43,下载815次
harrsidetector.rar - This code implements the Harris Corner Detector.,2011-02-10 00:47:46,下载5次
wavelettransform.rar - This part implement the wavelet transform on an image with out using any inbuilt matlab functions.,2011-02-10 00:40:08,下载7次
DemosaicingAlgo.rar - This code implements the Demosaicing algorithm described in the paper "Color Plane Interpolation Using Alternating Projections".,2011-02-10 00:29:06,下载89次
CBIR.rar - This code implements the concept of content based image retrieval concept using the technique described in The Application of DWT and SVD in Image Retrieval.,2011-02-10 00:18:51,下载215次

