
注册日期:2011-02-15 00:09:43

appapits.rar - A small program written for debugging IOS and Android conveniently, A few days finished works, did not use any PHP frame, lightweight, concise and practical All data returned is JSON,2017-10-19 15:44:41,下载2次
b2evolution_php.zip - A mature, excellent Blog engine developed by PHP+MySQL. It contains all the functions that a Blog tool should have.,2017-10-19 15:44:22,下载1次
Piwik.zip - An open source website access statistics system based on PHP5+MySQL technology, formerly known as phpMyVisites. Piwik can give you detailed statistical information, such as the number of web browsing, access to the most pages, search engine keywords and so on traffic analysis function. In addition, it also uses plug-in extensions and open API architecture, allowing users to create more functions according to their actual needs.,2017-10-19 15:42:27,下载1次

AT90CAN64+BMS-3000w.rar - AT90CAN64单片机程序,BMS国标2015CAN通讯,3000w充电桩程序
充电桩.zip - 充电桩通讯(调试工具源码,基于c#开发)
Keil.STM32F1xx_DFP.2.2.0.zip - 导入pack包,应用STM32F103库函数,做调试使用
STM32_MS5611.rar - STM32测试气压计MS5611的代码,通过串口回传气压数据。基于KEIL软件。
PduSMS.zip - PDU格式短信构建库,经过本人亲测,.net平台通用
STM32_SIM800C 拨打电话.zip - STM32控制SIM800C实现拨打电话功能
