
注册日期:2011-03-05 21:35:57

alphaBetaFilter.zip - The function alphaBetaFilter implements a generic algorithm for an alpha-beta filter that is a linear state estimation for position and velocity given an observed data. It acts like a smoothing. Also closely related to Kalman filters and to linear state observers used in control theory. Its principal advantage is that it does not require a detailed system model.,2013-09-21 19:02:59,下载22次
DifferenceVisualization.zip - Script accepts two registered (same size) images (use i.e. imregister tool) and difference measure. This measure is a real number for each pixel. Meaning of difference values is: zero - means zero difference positive - first image differ from second negative - second image differ from first,2013-09-21 19:01:07,下载2次
ROI_detector.zip - This is an implementation of the algorithm described in our paper [1]. The input is any map generated by saliency detection algorithms like Itti-Koch [2] or GBVS [3]. The algorithm outputs a binary mask without requiring a threshold for the saliency map. More details about it are described in our paper.,2013-09-21 18:59:56,下载39次
ReadDMFile.zip - Electron microscope images and image stacks are stored in a proprietary fromat by Digital Micrograph (Gatan Inc.). This function reads version 3 and also the new 64-bit version 4 files. This replaces the ReadDM3 function in my previous post #27021, "Imagic, MRC and DM3 file i/o",2013-09-21 18:58:47,下载3次
newton.zip - The function takes at least three input arguments (function, its derivative, and an initial guess). After iterations, it gives the root of the function. The fourth input argument is to change the stopping criteria.,2013-09-21 18:57:39,下载3次
secant.zip - The function takes three input arguments (function and two initial guesses belonging to the interval). After iterations, it returns the root of the function. The fourth input argument is to change the stopping criteria of the loop.,2013-09-21 18:56:19,下载2次
besttravels.zip - TRAVEL AGENCY PROJECT,2013-01-17 21:01:08,下载3次
im2html_2011_07_20.zip - im2html produces HTML text containing a table that displays the image pixel colors and values. When called with no output argument, im2html displays the HTML in the MATLAB Web Browser. When called with an output argument, im2html returns the HTML text as a string. This form can be useful when publishing a MATLAB file.,2012-09-20 18:04:18,下载4次
xpath.zip - An XPath package started shipping as part of Java 5, so we can use it from MATLAB. This is a simple example showing how to use XPath from MATLAB.,2012-09-20 17:56:03,下载3次
Pade.zip - The Padé approximant often gives better approximation of the function than truncating its Taylor series, and it may still work where the Taylor series does not converge. For these reasons Padé approximants are used extensively in computer calculations.,2012-09-20 17:51:39,下载19次
mpcsimulink.zip - a Simulink block to use the state space MPC code is developed. Two examples to work with continous-time state space plant model and discrete-time state space plant model are included.,2012-09-20 17:50:06,下载417次
chess2011_01_20.zip - Play chess against "Greedy Edi". ,2012-09-20 17:46:25,下载3次
FMINSEARCHBND.zip - Fminsearch does not admit bound constraints. However simple transformation methods exist to convert a bound constrained problem into an unconstrained problem. ,2012-09-20 17:42:15,下载16次
mathworks.zip - makestereofig is a standalone script for converting .fig files containing 3D Cartesian plots of z as a function of x and y to .jpg images of the same plot in anaglyphic (red-cyan) stereo. The compressed archive contains the top level script (makestereofig), an ancillary function (plotdisplay2), and a demo .fig file containing a plot of data and a fitting function. The algorithm is very simple and users are encouraged to tweak!,2011-12-24 15:21:56,下载4次
load_flow_and_harmonic_flow.zip - Line Matrix is line impedance matrix. load_power Matrix is P+jQ matrix of the loads. source matrix is the complex value of the harmonic sources and they considered as a harmonic current source for each harmonic frequency.,2011-12-24 15:20:57,下载37次
distributionPlot.zip - The zip-file contains the following files for visualizing distributions: - distributionPlot.m: main function that allows creating violin plots - histogram.m: generate histograms with ideal bin width given the number of data points and the spread (Freedman-Diaconis rule). Note that for integer-valued data, each integer gets its own bin. - plotSpread.m: plot point clouds with no overlap. Works well for small number of data points, i.e. when there are less than ~20 values per bin.,2011-12-24 15:19:30,下载7次
lbfgs.zip - This submission contains an interface to a LBFGS-code for unconstrained minimization problems of the form min_{x} f(x) + c*|\tilde{x}|, where x are the parameters, f is a scalar valued real function, c is a positive scalar (default value=0), |.| denotes the 1-norm, and \tilde{x} is some subset of the parameters x.,2011-12-24 15:17:00,下载51次
compareODEsols.zip - Solving IVP ODEs using Symbolic MATH "dsolve", Laplace Transforms and MuPAD for analytic solutions and ODE45, ODE113 and Simulink for numeric solutions of the given 2nd order ODE is shown in this script.,2011-12-24 15:15:33,下载18次
web-based-home-appliance-control.rar - web based home appliance control,2011-03-05 21:46:23,下载2次
RFID-Based-Votting-system.rar - rfid based voting system,2011-03-05 21:45:30,下载4次
Computer-Controlled-Wireless-robot.rar - computer controlled wireless robot,2011-03-05 21:44:34,下载3次
Advanced-EB-supply-disconnect-system-for-unpaid-c - advanced eb supply disconnection system,2011-03-05 21:43:17,下载3次

Untitled11.zip - 有关于广义回归神经网络的应用实例的代码程序
Retinal_image_processing.rar - 通过对视网膜光相干层析图像进行预处理,为进一步的图像识别与分析打下了良好的基础
StereoRegion.rar - 基于区域的立体匹配算法 本算法从两幅彩色立体图像对中提取深度信息,使用过滤器消除视差图深度估计中的不稳定性。
GaussianFilterMatlabCode.zip - Gaussian Filter Matlab Code
Helical-Antenna.rar - This program calculates the radiation characteristics of a helical antenna, both in the Normal mode and the Axial(End-fire) mode. The
loopantenna.rar - 环形天线的仿真与设计,还环形天线的仿真与设计,以及螺旋天线的仿真与设计有就是螺旋天线的仿真
