
注册日期:2011-04-26 10:18:14

FileCopy.rar - 文件拷贝控件,可以检查U盘的文件,并能容易得复制U盘的文件到指定的目录, 提供文件类型的检索,2015-11-23 20:05:51,下载4次
VCLSkin5.03.07.12.rar - vcl 皮肤控件 使用简单,只有把他放到程序的窗体上就可以改变软件的外观显示,支持多总皮肤 VclSkin 5.04己经支持 Delphi2009 ,2015-11-23 19:36:51,下载1次
delphi_QRCODE.rar - 可以生成二维码,并能打印,支持qrcode pdf147,2015-11-23 19:31:25,下载36次
httpcli_d7.rar - delphi http客户端控件,可以在http server端无响应是,,可以主动终止http请求,避免请求无限循环,和异常,2015-11-23 19:26:55,下载3次
Rtti-design-VCL.rar - delphi运行时设计软件,可以在程序编译过过后,可以对改变vcl控件大小,2015-11-23 19:22:01,下载8次
picshow.rar - 图片播放控件 可以设置图片的播放模式,可以是bmp jgp图片,2015-11-23 19:17:42,下载2次

近期下载 - winpcap delphi example
delphiwinpcap.rar - Delphi版的winpcap pas单元!!! 本站抢先发布!!! 以后用delphi的朋友再也不用去翻译C++的winpcap的H了 数据格式和函数都做好了 直接调用即可
网络命令之ARP(Delphi版).zip - 网络命令之ARP(Delphi版) - Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring Components are a set of Delphi components designed to capture and monitor internet packets using either raw sockets or the WinPcap device driver. Hardware permitting, ethernet packets may be captured and interpreted, and statistics maintained about the traffic. Uses of packet monitoring include totalling internet traffic by IP address and service, monitoring external or internal IP addresses and services accessed, network diagnostics, and many other applications. The component includes two demonstration applications, one that displays raw packets, the other that totals internet traffic. The components include various filters to reduce the number of packets that need to be processed, by allowing specific IP addresses to be ignored, LAN mask to ignore local traffic, and ignore non-IP traffic such as ARP.
captureip.rar - 在以太网上采集IP数据,对IP数据包进行分析,完成IP分片重装。
CaptureIP.rar - 一款捕获IP数据包的演示程序
Https-DEMO.rar - Https请求DEMO,采用https协议,加载证书,方便安全加密处理
Delphi-USB.rar - This package is for people who want to develop USB applications with Borland Delphi.
USB_Program.rar - delphi usb编程,访问USB端口
Delphi-usb.rar - Delphi对usb的操作,需要usbiocom.dll
SSTap-beta-setup- - SSTap-享受游戏! 使用SSTap! SocksCap64 64位的SocksCap - 最好用的网络加速器及SOCKS代理软件 - 全面支持XP/Vasta/Win7/Win8/Win10
