
注册日期:2011-04-28 19:29:05

上传列表 - Brushless DC Motor Speed Control,2016-08-27 17:00:40,下载24次 - The under frequency relay is a solid state device that functions to protect the load in the event generator frequency decreases below preset limits. It actuates when the frequency decreases to 55 hertz for 60-hertz operation and 46 hertz for 50-hertz operation. Upon actuation, contacts within the relay close to signal the annunicator and open to de-energize the generator breaker (contactor), resulting in a display of the fault condition and removal of the load the generator. ,2015-12-02 17:42:54,下载17次 - Under normal conditions, nuclear power plants receive power off-site. However, during an accident a plant may lose access to this power supply and thus may be required to generate its own power to supply its emergency systems. These electrical systems usually consist of diesel generators and batteries.,2015-12-02 17:38:52,下载9次
FACTS-PLACEMENT.rar - FACTS Placement In Distribution Networks Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm,2015-05-31 00:11:21,下载89次
5phase_ind_motor.rar - Five Phase Induction Motor_ Simulink,2015-05-26 15:52:54,下载41次
Adaptive-Extremum-Seeking-Control-MPPT.rar - Adaptive Extremum Seeking Control MPPT for PV,2015-04-20 13:29:50,下载104次
axialflux.rar - Axial Flux Machine_ Design Using Matlab,2015-04-20 13:28:06,下载8次
Solving-Optimal-Power-Flow-with-Voltage-Constrain - Solving Optimal Power Flow with Voltage Constraints using MATLAB Optimization Toolbox,2014-10-31 19:02:09,下载44次
PSS-thesis.rar - Sparsity-Promoting Optimal Wide-Area Control of Power Networks,2014-10-31 19:00:54,下载28次
Relay-Setting-and-Coor.rar - Realy Setting and Coordination,2014-10-31 18:58:29,下载63次
ind.rar - Winding Inductance Calculation,2014-10-31 18:56:33,下载8次
ARMA.rar - Using ARIMA for forecasting,2014-07-27 15:54:22,下载17次
Load-forecasting.rar - A complete program for load forecasting........Enjoy it,2014-07-21 22:01:44,下载21次
SVM.rar - Classification Uisng SVM with report,2014-07-09 18:32:35,下载15次
transD.rar - Transformer Design Using Matlab,2014-06-22 17:43:44,下载24次 - A good thesis for power flow analysis + DG,2014-01-24 20:34:18,下载10次 - Vector fitting for Transformer Identification,2014-01-24 20:27:00,下载33次 - Hefron Philips model,2014-01-24 20:23:02,下载12次 - synchronous motor matlab simulink,2013-12-19 01:02:14,下载9次
radial_Power_flow.rar - radial_Power_flow for power systems,2012-07-01 23:13:05,下载8次
Wind-Turbine-System-Identification.rar - Currently systems and dynamics research is ongoing in modeling and identification primarily for controller design, state estimation and fault detection/diagnosis. With accurate and precise system model identification, no aspect from controls to fault detection should have to employ unreasonable architectures/strategies to lower production cost and to expand the operational life of the turbine,2012-07-01 23:11:41,下载101次
Active-a-Reactive-power-control-in-Windmills.rar - Active & Reactive power control in Windmills,2012-07-01 23:07:47,下载32次
Electric-Wheelchair-Demo.rar - An electric wheelchair uses a motor with a torque constant of 1.1 Nm/A, powered from a 24 V battery, with an internal resistance of 0.25Ω. We are interested in designing a controller with 44 Nm continuous torque capability, both in driving and braking modes at all speeds, with the widest possible operating speed range, both forward and reverse direction using the given battery.,2012-06-25 20:38:58,下载45次
Hopfield-NN.rar - HOPFIELDNETWORK M-file for HopfieldNetwork.fig . HOPFIELDNETWORK, by itself, creates a new HOPFIELDNETWORK or raises the existing singleton*. H = HOPFIELDNETWORK returns the handle to a new HOPFIELDNETWORK or the handle to the existing singleton*. HOPFIELDNETWORK( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in HOPFIELDNETWORK.M with the given input arguments. HOPFIELDNETWORK( Property , Value ,...) creates a new HOPFIELDNETWORK or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before hopfieldNetwork_OpeningFunction gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to hopfieldNetwork_OpeningFcn via varargin.,2012-06-21 19:56:41,下载12次
FastICA_25.rar - FastICA programs: FASTICAG - GUI for FastICA FASTICA - Mfile for FastICA functions used by FastICA: FPICA - main algorithm for calculating ICA WHITENV - function for whitening data PCAMAT - calculates the PCA for data REMMEAN - function for removing mean ICAPLOT - for plotting the signals,2012-06-13 20:39:05,下载16次
pca.rar - Principle Component Analysis,2011-04-28 19:33:12,下载3次

2.5kWsolarpanel (1).rar - The System Advisor Model (SAM) is a free techno-economic software model that facilitates decision-making for people in the renewable energy industry: Project managers and engineers Policy analysts Technology developers Researchers
Shop-scheduling-genetic-algorithm.rar - 遗传算法车间调度,车间作业调度问题遗传算法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 输入参数列表 M 遗传进化迭代次数 N 种群规模(取偶数) Pm 变异概率 T m×n的矩阵,存储m个工件n个工序的加工时间 P 1×n的向量,n个工序中,每一个工序所具有的机床数目 输出参数列表 Zp 最优的Makespan值 Y1p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的开始时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y2p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的结束时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y3p 最优方案中,各工件各工序使用的机器编号 Xp 最优决策变量的值,决策变量是一个实数编码的m×n矩阵 LC1 收敛曲线1,各代最优个体适应值的记录 LC2 收敛曲线2,各代群体平均适应值的记录 最后,程序还将绘出三副图片:两条收敛曲线图和甘特图(各工件的调度时序图)
single_machine_scheduling.rar - The slgorithm solves single machine scheduling problems
GA.rar - Genetic algorithm to solve job shop scheduling ,,using matlab environment and scheduling job ,machine,tasks and the like ,,because of Genetic Algorithm can give optimal solution ,we use it and initialize it with a population and generation
trabalho 03.rar - shunt dc motor starting
dcmotor.rar - block diagram of DC shunt motor in matlab simulink
chap9.rar - ploting dc shunt motor curves
plugingbraking-of-induction-motor.rar - capacitor and pluging braking of induction motor
MAMCP.rar - this file contain a simulation of single phase induction motor with a permanent capacitor - 主要介绍RLC串并联谐振技术的基本原理,并进行仿真分析 - circuit rlc whit losses and diferent vv
deneme.rar - matlab rlc circuit simulation with matlab simulink
RLC-filter-oscillations.rar - RLC filter oscillations.dwg: the stepped response of a RLC filter - matlab simulink关于简易RLC电路的仿真,m文件和示波器显示输出。
lvboqi.rar - 带通滤波器是指能通过某一频率范围内的频率分量、但将其他范围的频率分量衰减到极低水平的滤波器,与带阻滤波器的概念相对。一个模拟带通滤波器的例子是电阻-电感-电容电路(RLC circuit)。这些滤波器也可以用低通滤波器同高通滤波器组合来产生.
matlab-BNB20-testingproblem.rar - matlab的MINLP求解工具箱BNB20求解一个简单的实例,展示工具箱的用法。
Bairstow.rar - This matlab code includes the solution for root off a polynomial by Bairtow method .....
Comparative Analysis rar.rar - resonant converter with a new pulse width and amplitude modulation control method.
Bidirectional rar.rar - This paper proposes a bidirectional three-level LLC resonant converter with a new pulse width and amplitude modulation control method.
LLC-converter-design.rar - LLC resonant Power Supply Design
