
注册日期:2011-05-03 09:34:45

meanShiftPixCluster.rar - This is a good demo of showing how the mean shift idea works for image pixel clustering,2013-12-17 21:07:04,下载3次
ContrastStretchNorm.rar - Stretches contrast on the image and normalize image from 0 to 1. The main difference of this function to the standard stretching functions is that standard function finds global minimum and maximum on the image, then uses some low and high threshold values to normalize image (values below LowTHR are equated to LowTHR and values above HighTHR are equated to HighTHR),2013-12-17 20:48:22,下载3次
counting.rar - the file consists of image segmentation using otsu threshold and finally counting by using the creating the boundary between of them,2013-12-17 20:40:40,下载3次
region-growing-mtlb.rar - Segmentation by growing a region from seed point using intensity mean measure.Simple but effective example of "Region Growing" from a single seed point. ,2013-12-17 20:30:06,下载7次
erode.rar - morphological operation such as erosion is very suitable to compress the size of the cell by using SE.,2011-05-03 19:03:00,下载4次
3.rar - Segmentation using watershed is very easily to separate the overlapping cell.,2011-05-03 09:48:52,下载12次

