
注册日期:2011-05-08 18:59:02

BC.zip - 该程序专门为对比度和亮度调节编写的程序。可运行到Altera FPGA平台,也可移植到Xilinx FPGA上。,2020-02-15 12:02:07,下载2次
RGB2YCbCr422.zip - 该程序支持RGB24bits深度直接转成YUV422./* Y = 0.257*R+0.564*G+0.098*B+16 Cb = -0.148*R-0.291*G+0.439*B+128 Cr = 0.439*R-0.368*G-0.071*B+128 Y = (66 * R(d) / 256) + (144 * G(d) / 256) + (25 * B(d) / 256) + 16 Cb = - (38 * R(d) / 256) - (75 * G(d) / 256) + (112 * B(d) / 256) + 128 Cr = (112 * R(d) / 256) - (94 * G(d) / 256) - (18 * B(d) / 256) + 128 */,2020-02-15 11:58:17,下载1次
sdram.zip - SDRAM控制,通过VHDL语言编写可运行至133MHz。,2020-02-15 11:52:22,下载1次
EPCS.zip - 该程序可以实现EPCS64,EPCS128,EPCS256或者是类似EPCS128之类spi flash读写程序,读写端各带有512字节的缓存。,2020-02-15 11:48:08,下载3次
Bayer2RGB.zip - 本程序支持bayer和ram格式数据转换为rgb24格式数据,最高支持8k视频的转换,可在xilinx,altera FPGA实现。转换延时为3行图像延时。,2020-02-15 11:43:39,下载2次

imx264_config.rar - 利用FPGA通过SPI接口配置SONY IMX264图像传感器,按照全画幅输出图像。XILINX A7平台实测
xapp1014-xilinx-sdi.zip - 用fpga实现SDI,每一步都很清楚 搞视频的可以参考
image_combine_v.rar - 用于在FPGA中实现图像叠加字幕,字符为FPGA内部rom存储的点阵。
h264-master.zip - Motion estimation is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. It is an ill-posed problem as the motion is in three dimensions but the images are a projection of the 3D scene onto a 2D plane. The motion vectors may relate to the whole image (global motion estimation) or specific parts, such as rectangular blocks, arbitrary shaped patches or even per pixel. The motion vectors may be represented by a translational model or many other models that can approximate the motion of a real video camera, such as rotation and translation in all three dimensions and zoom.
H264Decoder.rar - 视频编码标准H264解码器源代码 视频编码标准H264解码器源代码
hardh264.rar - 实现H.264的FPGA编码,测试可行,内含可综合代码、测试代码和说明文档
