
注册日期:2011-05-10 15:12:29

Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB an.rar - material about digital communication with matlab,2019-05-27 22:35:16,下载2次
main_bitloop.rar - 位同步程序,本程序通过早迟门的结果,通过相位误差鉴别器和环路滤波器和DCO,来达到位同步。,2012-05-24 09:44:51,下载251次

Qt5开发及实例(第二版).rar - Qt is a well-known cross-platform C++ visual development platform. Qt open source version provides the same functions as the commercial version. Qt 5 Development and Instance (2nd Edition) inherits the popular Qt 5 development and examples from the market.At the same time (Q1 5.4.0), QT application development is more systematic and more readable.This book is divided into two parts: The first part is the traditional Qt Widget programming. Each chapter introduces the Qt 5 application in a small example based on a brief introduction to the development environment.The development techniques of the program are generally introduced and explained through examples.
智能天线(MATLAB版)[何业军][程序源代码].rar - 智能天线(MATLAB版)【何业军】一书上部分例子习题的程序
Random-Signals-and-Applied-Kalman.zip - 介绍了随机信号处理,并重点阐述了卡尔曼滤波在随机信号处理中的应用,并有matlab仿真的实例。
Mathematical-Methods-and-Algorithms-for-Signal-Pr - DSP it is very deep so I want learn it well
