
注册日期:2011-06-19 18:12:02

ADC_Channel_0-on-LCD-for-a-given-time-period.rar - The program displays results of AD conversion on LCD display for a given time period (5 seconds in example) and then stops AD conversion. * Test configuration: MCU: PIC16F877A ,2011-06-19 18:46:33,下载5次
ADC_Channel_0-on-7Seg.rar - Example for measuring on Channel 0 and displaying result on 7segment displays. PIC16F877 APPILICATION MIKROC LANGUAGE,2011-06-19 18:44:56,下载7次
adc_-Channel_1-difference-on-LEDs.rar - This project is a simple demonstration of mcp3204 with P16F877A with minor adjustments, it should work with any other PIC MCU that has SPI module on portc. Example for reading values from ADC s, and sending them to LED s. MCU reads value from two AD channels and substracts lower from a higher value. Result of substraction is displayed to LED s in the 8 level mode. WE USE MIKROC COMPILER AND PIC16F877A,2011-06-19 18:42:26,下载17次
led_matrix_dened_on_microcontroller.rar - LED MATRIX display this project contains source code and pdf file to show to you how to interface LED matrix using PIC microcontorller .. how to show your data on it and moving your data from left to right throw led matrix Moving signs are a common enough sight today but off-the-shelf units are invariably expensive and somewhat inflexible. The six-character module described in this article can be cascaded up to 16 modules long and has a character set that can be customised to suit your application,2011-06-19 18:33:15,下载10次
7seg-very-big.rar - seven segment dispaly ... this project is a smart method to interface seven segments with a minimum required pins of microcontroller ... this code written in mikroc and we use PIC microcontroller and shift registers used to take the data serially form microcontroller and show them paralllel ... i hope it is useful,2011-06-19 18:26:26,下载11次

