
注册日期:2011-06-20 15:08:21

上传列表 - This document is now in use at many hundreds of companies, research centers and universities all over the world, from Chile and India to France, Australia and the USA. However, it was written a long time ago. C++ has changed in quite many ways since 1992. Many new features have been added to the language, like RTTI and namespaces, as well as a very powerful standard template library, but C++ is now stable and very close to become an international standard.,2011-06-20 15:40:20,下载2次 - In this course object orientation is introduced as a new programming concept which should help you in developing high quality software Object orientation is also introduced as a concept which makes developing of projects easier,2011-06-20 15:38:43,下载1次 - Within a few years, wireless mesh networking may revolutionize the manner by which you can access the Internet as well as communicate with co-workers and friends. Although the software behind wireless mesh networking is still evolving, the concept behind the technology that eliminates the need for a centralized control mechanism is well thought out and will remain in place,2011-06-20 15:29:45,下载4次 - About Mesh networks.Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are one of the key technologies which will dominate wireless networking in the next decade. They will help to realize the long-lasting dream of network connectivity anywhere anytime with simplicity and low cost.,2011-06-20 15:17:44,下载6次

