
注册日期:2011-07-09 22:16:56

DataComboBox.rar - The code demonstrates how to bind six different types of data sources to a ComboBox control. Data is bound from: an array an ArrayList of strings an ArrayList of class objects a DataTable a DataView a BindingSource object ,2011-09-20 15:07:25,下载3次
DataValidation.rar - When row and column errors are defined, the DataGridView control displays a warning icon. For row errors, the icon is displayed to the left of the row. For column errors, the icon is displayed in the,2011-09-20 15:02:12,下载6次
SendMail.rar - This application has a single form with controls similar to the Microsoft Outlook e-mail client. When the form loads, it checks to make sure that the user has the SMTP Service installed and that it is running.,2011-09-20 14:59:02,下载6次
NotifyIcon.rar - This application uses the NotifyIcon control and its associated ContextMenu to access and display system data: The length of time, in minutes, the user s computer has gone since its last reboot The current time zone of the user The current date The version of the .NET Framework that is installed on the user s computer The current version of the operating system that the user is running the application on,2011-09-20 14:56:23,下载2次
Game.rar - User options The Options form enables users to reset the high scores and turn sound on and off. Help The application includes a compiled Help project. The compiled Help is accessed through the Help menu item. Mouse The mouse is used not only to play the game, but to drag the form around when the title bar is hidden. Keyboard The "M" key toggles the menu and title bar on and off. The "P" key pauses and restarts the game action. Several Visual Basic and .NET Framework features are highlighted: GDI+ graphics The game action is implemented by using drawing functions from the System.Drawing namespace. Registry High scores are stored in the registry. Object-oriented programming The game action and drawing is controlled by several classes that act together. The main game classes are the Grid and Block classes. The PointTranslator class adds utility functions for drawing the blocks. The HighScores class handles retrieving and setting scores.,2011-09-20 14:50:28,下载7次

