
注册日期:2011-09-23 18:17:28

ssim.rar - The learning-based approaches assume that the lost high frequency details in LR images can be retrieved and hallucinated a dictionary of image patch pairs.,2016-08-16 15:17:30,下载2次
UpRun.rar - Single image superresolution is a classic and active image processing problem, which aims to generate a high-resolution (HR) image a low-resolution input image. Due to the severely under-determined nature of this problem, an effective image prior is necessary to make the problem solvable, and to improve the quality of generated images.,2016-08-16 15:16:02,下载2次
tournSelect.rar - The proposed distributed enhanced routing approaches which will reduce service disruption and minimize the worst-case maximal link utilization after link failures.,2016-08-16 15:14:14,下载1次
Run.rar - The ad hoc network is adaptable to the highly dynamic topology resulting the mobility of network nodes and the changing propagation conditions.,2016-08-16 15:13:15,下载3次
Run_dynamic.rar - A mobile ad hoc network is a self-organizing and rapidly deployable network in which neither a wired backbone nor a centralized control exists. The network nodes communicate with one another over scarce wireless channels in a multi-hop fashion. The ad hoc network is adaptable to the highly dynamic topology resulting the mobility of network nodes and the changing propagation conditions.,2016-08-16 15:12:08,下载2次

