
注册日期:2011-09-25 14:52:05

Microgrid-OPTIMIZATION-PSO.rar - PSO OPTIMIZATION IN MICROGRID,2017-01-04 14:55:14,下载101次
LQR-for-active-suspension.rar - It is controller design for active suspension control,2017-01-04 14:50:41,下载11次 - Automatic control system vapor pressure in the boiler ,2017-01-04 14:43:12,下载7次
kalman.rar - Overview The Simulink model shows an example how the Kalman Filter can be implemented in Simulink. The model itself is configured with a Gaussian process connected with a Kalman Filter. To directly use this model, one only needs to provide model prarameters including parameters of the Gaussian process, which are state space matrices, A, B, C, and D, initial state, x0, and covariance matrices, Q and R and similar parameters for the Kalman Filter, which can be in different values to mimic the model mismatch, plus the state covariance, P. The following examples show how this model can be used. The Kalman Filter can also be used as a standard model block to be connected with any other systems,2016-11-13 04:05:37,下载6次
A-Ball-Tracking-Application.rar - The application uses the approach introduced in paper Covariance Tracking using Model Update Based on Means on Riemannian Manifolds , F.Porikli, O.Tuzel, P.Meer. The tracking is based on: 1) initializing the target region 2) constructing the Feature Vectors for each pixel in the target region (first frame) 3) forming the Covariance Matrix using feature vectors generated in step 1 4) determining the candidate regions for the following frames and constructing the covariance matrices of these regions 5) finding the minimum covariance-distanced region from these candidate region 6) assign this region as the estimated region ,2014-08-03 04:15:59,下载18次
IETKalman.rar - Kalman filtering with state constraints: a survey of linear and nonlinear algorithms D. Simon. in this file introduced nem kalman filter and can be used for any application.,2014-06-10 16:22:22,下载1次
10.1109-TASL.2012.2215601.rar - Acoustic Source Localization With Distributed Asynchronous Microphone Networks A. Canclini, F. Antonacci, A. Sarti, Member, IEEE, and S. Tubaro, Member, IEEE,2014-04-06 20:03:38,下载2次
IEEE_06151186.rar - Bias Reduction for an Explicit Solution of Source Localization Using TDOA,2014-04-06 19:53:20,下载5次
boilerdigital.rar - boiler model in simulink for control theory,2014-02-02 04:14:40,下载17次
qnf.rar - one of the most important parameteres in power system is frequency,in this paper frequency estimated using queen base algorithm,2013-02-06 13:19:17,下载11次
MVDR.rar - frequency estimation using MVDR algorithm,2013-02-06 13:14:24,下载28次
ekf-fuzzy.rar - this code combine ekf whith fuzzy logic for frequency estimation but bad work,2012-09-24 03:04:41,下载20次
untitled.rar - this file is dtc for pmsm machine with simulink matlab, 12 sector,2011-09-25 15:05:14,下载232次
ghasemi.rar - this file calculate reactive power of 39 buses ieee standard system with pso algorithm ,2011-09-25 14:54:46,下载156次

近期下载 - 基于脉冲电流法的绝缘介质内部局部放电现象仿真。 - 基于多传感器故障诊断的容错切换控制策略。
FCPVgridconnected.rar - Grid connected Photovoltaic - Fuel Celle hybrid system power plant
hybrid_power_system.rar - actually this is hybrid power system.used in many areas
Voltage-and-Frequency-control-of-wind-diesel-hybr - Voltage and Frequency control of wind diesel hybrid system with variable speed wind turbine
kishore_disssertation.rar - Wind diesel system of hybrid power systems.used in every where - 此仿真模型包括:无穷大功率电源供电系统三相短路仿真、同步发电机暂态仿真、小电流接地系统单项故障仿真。
Detyra-2-MA.rar - short circuit and no loda transient regimes in power electrical transfomers
F16-Simulation.rar - F16的六自由的非线性气动模型,用于飞行控制和仿真,matlab编写
simF16.rar - simulinkF16飞机仿真,非常直观的给出了F16飞机的非线性仿真。
F16aerodata.rar - F16气动数据,开环仿真,包括操作性及稳定性数据,前缘襟翼控制参数等。
F16_fuzzy_theta.rar - F16战斗机的飞行模糊控制器,在matlab环境下simulink中进行仿真
non-controlled--missile-Simulation.rar - 用matlab/simulink搭建的六自由度无控弹道导弹模型,用来仿真在不加控制力作用下弹道导弹的飞行轨迹,simulink模型用RTW很方便转换成c/c++,适合飞行控制专业的新手学习,有问题请留言。
SDRE_2D_Navigation.rar - 在线计算SDRE,实现二维导弹制导控制,主程序利用S-function编写,整个程序运行可靠
missile-3-channel-simulink.rar - 本文主要通过极点配置法,设计了导弹三通道的控制系统,整体性能达到了设计的基本要求,在导弹垂直上升阶段及俯仰阶段,分别选取特征点进行仿真,达到了垂直发射中姿态角控制的要求。但是,采用极点配置法设计的控制律仍存在许多不足,短时间内具有良好的性能,而某一时刻之后系统将面临着严重的振荡。可以考虑采用其它方法重新设计,或是多种控制方法的结合,扬长避短,可获得更为理想的效果。
optimal-control.rar - 导弹比例导引法的最优控制方法改进的仿真文件
PEM_ARMAX.rar - % Identification of ARMAX models through PEM
PIfour - codings on four tank system on PI
Modeling of four tanks - Modeling of four tank system codings - four tank system matlab codings files
