
注册日期:2011-10-05 11:39:49

Selective-Search-master.zip - All Begin with Demo.m Just a wrapper,2021-04-13 15:43:36,下载0次
portal_derivate.zip - 2d-3d pose estimation means to estimate the relative position and orientation of a 3d object with respect to a reference camera system,2018-06-13 00:14:50,下载0次
Pose Measurement.zip - This paper proposes a suite of methods to realize high precision pose measurement in 3-D Cartesian space based on a multicamera microscopic vision system. Since it is inefficient to develop a specific image algorithm for each kind of object and the imaging condition might be unsatisfactory, we propose a method of contour primitives of interest extraction, which allows flexible reconfiguration for novel object image and owns robustness under different imaging conditions.,2017-06-06 17:30:54,下载1次
Occlusion-Ellipse-Detection-.zip - in this study we propose an ellipse detection method with gives prospering results on occlusive cases,2017-04-13 16:07:21,下载2次
hough-transform.zip - Circles are a common geometric structure of interest in computer vision applications. The use of the Hough transform to locate circles will be explained and demonstrated. This is a particular example of the use the Hough transform to search a parameter space.,2017-04-13 15:53:27,下载1次
A-robust-CSS-corner.zip - present a new contour-based corner detection method based on the turning angle curvature computed the contour gradients of the image,2017-04-13 15:50:19,下载2次
math-in-computer--vision.zip - 主要是总结的计算机视觉中用到的数学知识,已经相关介绍,方便使用者了解其最基本的原理,2016-11-07 10:29:31,下载1次
Entropy-coding.zip - 熵编码(entropy encoding)是一类利用数据的统计信息进行压缩的无语义数据流之无损编码。本章先介绍熵的基本概念,然后介绍香农-范诺(Shannon-Fano)编码、哈夫曼(Huffman)编码、算术编码(arithmetic coding)、行程编码(RLE)和LZW编码等常用的熵编码方法。,2016-03-25 20:00:42,下载3次
5_3in-a-sub-bands-image-coding.zip - The object of image compression is to minimiz redundant information. This redundancy is due to correlation between adjacent pixels in a digital image. Different approaches with variable efficacies deal with this type of redundancy the decomposition into sub-bands either through discrete cosine transforms or through discrete wavelet transforms is used.,2016-03-24 16:49:46,下载1次
07097711.zip - There has been a growing interest in image fusion technologies, but how to objectively uate the quality of fused images has not been fully understood. Here, we propose a method for objective quality assessment of multiexposure multifocus image fusion based on the uation of three key factors of fused image quality: 1) contrast preservation 2) sharpness and 3) structure preservation. Subjective,2016-03-24 11:09:05,下载1次
Low-Coherence-Sensing-Matrices.zip - A method for constructing low coherence sensing matrices based on best spherical codes is proposed. Such matrices are applied in Compressed Sensing (CS) to obtain measurements of a sparse vector. With the means of CS, it is possible to reconstruct the sparse vector a small number of measurements.,2016-03-24 11:05:49,下载1次
pacc.rar - 介绍eeacc pacc pacs,发表国外期刊或者核心期刊都必须要的,2014-01-09 16:06:50,下载3次
Mathematical-modeling.zip - 2012年全国研究生数学建模比赛题目,本文档是一个建模的题目以及自己的建立的模型解法,2013-03-07 10:34:51,下载2次
The-structure-of-the-computer.zip - 计算机的构造 计算的内部结构,方便大家了解电脑的配置,2013-03-07 10:29:00,下载2次
cyuyanshitiku.zip - c语言试题库,涵盖了,很全的c语言考试试题,希望能帮助各位,2012-11-16 10:55:22,下载10次
pingjiazhibiao.zip - 图像融合的评价指标很多,本程序给出了多种融合图像的评价指标。仅供学习,2012-11-16 09:48:03,下载12次
evaluation-standard-of--image--.rar - 主要总结了部分图像融合的评价指标,并且给出了各个指标的性能及其判别,2012-05-24 20:51:40,下载9次
nmf.rar - 描述nmf的算法及其发展,说明其在各个领域中的应用,以及后续的工作,2012-04-22 12:40:23,下载17次
0high-performance-scientific-.rar - 性能很好,很有价值,值得观看,昭示了未来的发展方向 高性能科学计算研究,2011-10-06 15:38:19,下载3次
remote-sensing-image-fusion.rar - 遥感图像融合,使用不同的方法,来处理遥感图像的融合方法,2011-10-06 14:24:15,下载44次

电影数据分析.zip - 超详细的电影数据分析与利用SVD方法设计的推荐系统代码
chapter-5-Recommended_System.zip - python语言基于paddlepaddle深度学习框架入门深度学习 第5章:推荐系统实现
Recommender Systems Handbook.rar - 全书共分五大部分: 1:基础技术,介绍各种推荐算法。 2:具体应用及其评估 3:与推荐系统交互 4:推荐系统与社群 5:高级算法
PythonMachineLearningCookbook_Code.zip - 监督学习技术、预测建模、无监督学习算法等前沿话题的实例代码展示 来自Kaggle的经典数据集和机器学习案例 用流行的Python库scikit-learn解决机器学习问题
kaggle叶子分类.zip - 利用一维卷积神经网络将叶子进行分类,里面包含的有数据
Feature_engineering_and_model_tuning.zip - kaggle案例编程,Python机器学习Kaggle案例实战
推荐系统实践.rar - 供做推荐算法的同学使用,主要讲了当前主流的推荐系统的算法和解决方案
推荐系统实践.zip - 帮助新手快速入门推荐系统,对推荐系统进行了全方位的描述
rcnn.zip - RCNN,Region Based CNN,即基于区域的卷积神经网络代码,在许多数据集上刷新了识别记录,这是其实现代码,研究深度学习的同学可以下载,比较有帮助。
rcnn_car_object_detection.zip - 基于深度学习的汽车目标检测,所需matlab版本为2017
CNN—matlab.rar - 卷积神经网络CNN原理,matlab实现,适合新入门同学学习CNN
regiongrowingROIs.zip - 基于视觉注意力模型的基础上,对多个感兴趣的提取和保存。优化视觉感知
NonlocalMeans.zip - This is an algorithm for image denoising based on a non-local means.
nlm.rar - non-local means denoising 自己实现的非局部均值图像去噪的原始算法,对理解算法原理有一定帮助
sklearn_0.21.3中文手册(机器学习库).rar - scikit-learn (sklearn) 官方文档中文版。scikit-learn 是基于 Python 语?的机器学习工具
attentionModel.zip - 情感注意力模型编程,作者主页网站下载,对研究基于显著图的图像检索有用。
Saliency.rar - 利用视觉注意机制生成显著图(包括matlab程序、exe程序和相应的文章)
GMM.rar - matlab 实现GMM——EM算法,自动生产混合高斯分布,GMM算法的示例demo
L2-Ellipse-Fitting-master.zip - 基于混合高斯模型对观测值和模型值进行建模,利用欧氏距离优化模型值来进行椭圆检测
magnify.zip - 图像放大,对于图像间隔较小,难于看清时,可以用于局部放大。
