
注册日期:2011-10-05 23:08:10

3D-Game-Engine-Design.zip - A major revision of the international bestseller on game programming! Graphics hardware has evolved enormously in the last decade. Hardware can now be directly controlled through techniques such as shader programming, which requires an entirely new thought process of a programmer. 3D Game Engine Design, Second Edition shows step-by-step how to make a shader-based graphics engine and how to tame the new technology. Much new material has been added, including more than twice the coverage of the essential techniques of scene graph management, as well as new methods for managing memory usage in the new generation of game consoles and portable game players. There are expanded discussions of collision detection, collision avoidance, and physics – all challenging subjects for developers.,2013-04-29 21:05:19,下载7次
HTML5-Game-Programming.zip - Jeanine Meyer编著的《HTML5游戏开发》共10章,通过10个具体的游戏示例详细介绍HTML5的用法。每章都先列出相关的技术特性并给出了应用的描述,然后讨论了实现这个应用的关键需求,接着强调了满足这些需求的HTML5、CSS和JavaScript特性或者通用编程方法,最后详细介绍了代码的实现。另外,每一章都对如何把这些游戏变成你自己的应用给出了建议,并指出如何测试应用并将其上传到网站上。 《HTML5游戏开发》适合所有希望了解如何利用HTML5构建令人兴奋的动态网站的人阅读。,2013-04-29 18:47:11,下载20次
UNIX-Shell-Programming.zip - 本书是UnixShell编程方面的经典书籍。第3版以Unix Shell的最新POSIX标准Shell为主线,同时,在必要的情况下,及时指出与其他流行Shell的区别,因此,本书对其他版本Shell的编程也具有重要的借鉴意义。 本书的特点: 前后衔接:循序渐进 本书的特点之一是:虽然是按主题组织介绍。但各主题之间并非彼此独立。后面的主题经常使用到前面讲到过的知识。因此给人以非常深刻的渐进和整体的感觉。 简易明了的举例说明 本书最大的特点是举例说明。书中没有长篇的概念描述,而是在简单介绍后举出适当的例子,简易明了。例子的后面,经常有一些针对要点的说明,比如,为什么用某一条命令,输出结果为什么是这样,或者解释程序的结构或执行顺序等,可以帮助读者加深理解。,2013-04-29 10:14:37,下载6次
Introduction-of-3D-Game-Programming.rar - This updated bestseller provides an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development using DirectX 11. The book is divided into three main parts: basic mathematical tools, fundamental tasks in Direct3D, and techniques and special effects. It includes new Direct3D 11 features such as hardware tessellation, the compute shader, dynamic shader linkage and covers advanced rendering techniques such as screen-space ambient occlusion, level-of-detail handling, cascading shadow maps, volume rendering, and character animation. It also includes a companion CD-ROM with code and figures.,2013-04-28 18:02:35,下载2次
Software-Architecture.zip - The primary goal of our book is to give readers orientation in the architecture domain. In our view, many books about architecture focus too heavily on the topic of technology. Other books concentrate on architecture documentation and nomenclatures and their related techniques. Some other books look at solution patterns for architecture problems. And finally, relevant computer magazines regularly cover reports on project experiences in which the architecture aspect of a solution presented is very often the factor that gives the article its substance. However, in our opinion at least, hardly any of these works attempt to give the reader a comprehensive orientation in the topic of architecture. Most of the books we know concentrate only on selected sub-areas of architecture. And the few books that cover architecture more broadly still lack more or less a thorough structure that provides orientation, or rather, a book architecture.,2013-04-28 17:35:48,下载5次

