
注册日期:2011-11-02 05:37:16

modal_message.zip - modal_message.zip modal_message.zip,2020-03-25 18:48:16,下载0次
howto_progress_bar_copy.zip - Display a progress bar while copying a file,2020-03-25 18:45:55,下载0次
RAW_Printe1126267302002.zip - This class sends text, files, control codes directly to the printer spooler bypassing the print driver.,2016-09-04 05:43:54,下载1次
Tricks_wit1637578302003.zip - This code shows how to use many API functions in menu category ,2016-09-04 05:42:33,下载1次
Printer-Tr265949182001.zip - This allows you to perform to printer tricks, form feed a page and print a test page. It also shows begginers how to print and do simple printer tricks.,2016-09-04 05:40:07,下载1次
ComboBox-Searh.rar - Allows you to search comboboxes by typing,2016-09-04 05:37:45,下载1次
Calc.rar - calculator calculator calculator calculator in vb6,2016-09-04 05:34:05,下载1次
Pos.rar - Epson Pos Printer Document Collection ,2016-06-09 18:15:43,下载2次
ESCPOS.rar - Pos Printer Command Manual For Epson Pos Printer ,2016-06-09 18:12:00,下载8次
Tray_ProgrYY.zip - sys tray Progress bar with tool tips feature show time remaining with color full ,2016-02-02 04:48:43,下载1次
Small.rar - RAR Password cracking: collection of password cracking word lists other http://kingofdkingz99.blogspot.in/2013/03/password-cracking-mega-collection-of.html http://maurisdump.blogspot.in/2011/12/best-dictionaries-wordlist-for-wpa.html http://scrapmaker.com/dir/dictionaries,2016-02-02 04:35:16,下载1次
imp-fUNCTION.rar - Some Imp function 1)GenerateEmpID :- GenerateID 2)SearchEmployee :- Search in flexgrid 3)MaxID:- MaxID table ,2016-02-02 04:28:32,下载4次
VB6-and-Bas-Files.zip - Various .Bas file 1)ComplexMath.bas 2)Control Panel.bas 3)convertstring.bas 4)CreateGradient.bas 5)dos32.bas Many More ,2016-02-02 04:19:54,下载4次
School-Management-System-VB-Project-Source-Code.r - School Management System IN VB 1) addmission 2)fees 3)employee detail 4)Salary 5)report ,2016-02-02 04:13:19,下载2次
HJTsetup.rar - Remove Starup Item can Use Winxp/ Win7,2016-01-13 04:56:41,下载1次
volChanger-win7.rar - change hardisk volume number ie C drive volume,2016-01-13 04:51:53,下载1次
vb6-complete-tutorials.rar - vb6 complete tutorials,2015-06-19 04:06:32,下载1次
folderfunctions.rar - this function returns true if the path exists, false if not,2015-06-19 04:04:57,下载3次
CustomMsgBox.zip - CustomMsgBox IN VB6 ,2015-06-19 04:02:19,下载3次
newRestaurent.zip - error log file crration,2015-06-19 04:00:32,下载3次
RGBCOLOR.rar - RGBColor is another simple class module,2014-11-26 03:21:39,下载1次
Automobile-Agency.rar - \Automobile Agency software for Automobile Agency,2014-11-26 03:19:19,下载7次
Ag.rar - Automobile Agency software for Automobile ,2014-11-26 03:16:58,下载2次
ado.zip - ADO Code Database Programming ,2014-11-04 03:46:10,下载1次
The-Clone-method-allows-you-to-create-a-duplicate - The Clone method allows you to create a duplicate Recordset an existing Recordset. You can use this method to create multiple, duplicate Recordset, particularly if you want to edit more than one current record in a set of records. This method is much more efficient than creating, opening, and closing a new Recordset equal to the original. ,2014-11-04 03:40:30,下载4次
VbDebug.rar - ERROR-HANDING Error-handling routines, or error-handlers, tell the computer what operation to perform when an error is encountered. In VB, the On Error statement is used to enable or disable an error-handling routine., and it specifies the location of the routine within a subprogram. The general form of the On Error statement is shown in the sample program below. ,2014-11-04 03:36:41,下载2次
CODE_UPLOAD69426202000.zip - Convert a number to a string words like 19.50 to "Nineteen Dollars And Fifty Cents ",2014-07-03 04:06:50,下载1次
Convert_a_155716392003.zip - Convert a number to a string words like 19.50 to "Nineteen Dollars And Fifty Cents ",2014-07-03 04:05:46,下载2次
Faked_Flat1070127162002.zip - Faked Flat Combo Just a simple way to mimic Flat ComboBox.,2014-07-03 04:03:47,下载6次
MsgBoxEx173134492004.zip - in cmmand prompt If you can get back to the cmd prompt: SFC /scannow Hit Enter and after that runs chkdsk /f /r Hit Enter If you have no changes and nothing got fixed by those then its time for a reinstall. from the Command Prompt : C:\Windows\System32\rstrui.exe After these, reboot If you have no changes and nothing got fixed by those then its time for a reinstall. ,2014-05-04 05:32:37,下载1次
Sql-By-Ex.rar - SQL Examples for Single Tables ,2013-09-01 04:30:12,下载5次
iif.rar - Handling null fields in SQL queries,2013-09-01 04:27:04,下载4次
SQL-Tutorial.rar - Sql Tutorial For Quick Learn Sql ,2013-09-01 04:25:18,下载5次
Alter-Table.rar - ALTER TABLE and CREATE TABLE in Access/vb6,2013-09-01 04:18:34,下载4次
combosrce.zip - Make Editable Flexgrid With Out Using TextBox ,2013-09-01 04:07:19,下载5次

zipUnzip.rar - 一个可以生成ZIP的解压缩和被解压缩的DLL,这是本人在2001年刚学完VB后写的,我认为对初学者编好DLL很有意义
VBZIP.zip - 用VB调用ZIP.dll和unzip.dll实现文件的压缩和解压缩。
vb_zip.rar - vb zip a file from a opensource
PDF_from_X22319512192012.zip - Creating PDF file Excel file
Adding_fil215948882009.zip - Add File to Zip File
wordwrap4.zip - 是一个非常棒的程序。用visual basic 编写的。
INVENTORY_MGMT.zip - Program for inventory management
vbExcel.zip - 这是一个使用Visualbasic语言来操纵MicrosoftExcel的程序冽子。
iQ_Notepad.zip - a text based editor with enhancements like spell check, change case, importing/converting Rich Text and Microsoft Word files, inserting/appending files and other
vb.rar - hasp vb demo for runtime,阿拉丁狗应用源代码,本地验证
MSNstylebuttonprogress.zip - 一款MSN风格按钮和进度条控件源代码,有需要的下。
rollover_sound.zip - VB加上声音效果的漂亮按钮,有需要的就下载吧。
RTF.zip - VB语言写的生成RTF文档,附带源程序,可供参考.
CBaptism.rar - baptism management system
VB.Word.programming.code.related.development.rar - VB Word编程开发相关代码VB Word programming code related to the development
2html.rar - 自己做的水平不高见谅VB代码转换到html格式
LynxGrid_22.zip - 一个非常不错的表格控件源码。支持图形,选择框,进度条等。
ListViewPrint.rar - VB的ListView控件的打印和预览例程。
PrintPaper.rar - 可以在打印时候选择纸张,是套打设计的重要组成部分
Print_MSHFlexGrid_test.rar - 用vb6.0中的MSHFlexGrid控件,进行数据查询,和打印的程序,有一个打印控件,可以进行打印预览.
