
注册日期:2011-11-07 15:05:04

sdcard_mass_storage_controller.tar.gz - The "sd card controller" is a Secure Digital Card Host Controller, which main focus is to provide fast and simple interface to SD/SDHC cards. One of the main goal with this project is that the controller should be usable as a system disk contain a file system. Therefore the core has been developed with features a system with operative system will benefit from. The design also include a simplified model of a SD-card to test against. ,2011-11-07 16:12:18,下载13次
i2c_latest[1].tar.gz - I2C is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides a simple, efficient method of data exchange between devices. It is primarily used in the consumer and telecom market sector and as a board level communications protocol. The OpenCores I2C Master Core provides an interface between a Wishbone Master and an I2C bus.,2011-11-07 16:00:30,下载7次

