
注册日期:2011-12-07 21:03:14

vehicle-Tracking-System-Comeplte-Web-Application. - Appache Web Application complete for online vehicle tracking system ............ hyderabad india,2015-01-14 19:08:33,下载4次
SQlDatabaseGPSData.rar - java servlet mysql databse GPs Data for vehicle tracking system,2015-01-14 18:56:37,下载7次
DatabaseFileDownload.zip - java Servlet getting dataa mysql ... hyderabad .. india,2015-01-14 18:55:05,下载3次
invaliduser.zip - invlalid user setting in java source code,2015-01-14 18:51:23,下载2次
Live-and-Repaly-Tracking--VTS-.rar - this is very good and tested project for vehicle tracking Replay data and Live Trackig data,2015-01-14 18:37:55,下载2次
ServerPrograms_Linux.zip - A very good Realtime Project the device to unix system communication server and server .. we cann use this source code to real time applications like water meter proejct , vehicle tracking proejcts.. mostly get the data various devices out side of the world.,2015-01-14 18:32:07,下载1次
Pro_List-2011.zip - these are the abstact for 2013 year absrat for mtech nad btech all students ..for india only(Hyderabad) ifany query: kasimd2@gmail.com,2013-04-20 19:08:28,下载5次
dhvani-0.95.tar.gz - text-to-speech on telugu indian lanugage version..itssquite and soo useful if any query : kasimd2@gmail.com kasim.linux@gmail.com,2013-04-20 19:02:25,下载4次
GPS-based-advance-station-name.rar - GPS based advance station name based on ARM micro controller......arm7,2012-12-20 21:24:14,下载4次
DC_moter.rar - Dc MOter Control in mini2440 .. this is good projects witch can capture adc, led on /off , Dc MOter Control and it will find the RPM values of Dc moter...by kasim .. if any doubts... mail : kasimd2@gmail.com kasim.linux@gmail.com,2012-10-30 16:14:45,下载3次
Realtime_vedio_monitering_system.tar.gz - it s a file to mini2440 board .. this is a real time vedio monitering systeam. this file can save image from camera and save on mini2440..... try to best.... best of luck,2011-12-07 21:14:40,下载11次

