
注册日期:2011-12-25 17:06:53

Signature-6.rar - 包括两个部分:数字签名和签名认证。密钥采用des加密。通过md5获取数字摘要。然后用rsa签名/认证。,2013-08-13 16:56:36,下载18次
watermark.rar - 嵌入水印,提取水印,以及批量嵌入水印。水印可以是文本水印,也可以是图片水印。 采用LSB算法。,2013-05-23 09:16:38,下载35次
MFC.rar - 如果你还是MFC方面的新手,这是一本不能错过的入门书籍,通俗易懂,语言自成一家。,2012-04-12 15:36:36,下载5次
Battle-City.rar - java语言编写的坦克大战游戏源代码,坦克是在画板上绘制而成,有音效。,2011-12-25 17:17:53,下载25次

GCM_TEST.zip - AES GCM算法源码,带工程文件,支持 AES GCM 128 bit算法,可用
opencv基本读写显示图像.rar - 基于opencv2.4.9版本,可以读写tif,geotif,jpg,bmp各种图像,并可视化显示,同时可以写入相应图像格式
GDIplusNew.rar - GDI+ 画图用到的三个单元文件GDIPAPI.pas,GDIPOBJ.pasGDIPUTIL.pas
GraphicEx.v9.9.rar - GraphicEx is an addendum to Delphi s Graphics.pas in order to enable your application to load many common image formats. This library is primarily designed to load images as background (buttons, forms, toolbars) and textures (DirectX, OpenGL) or for image browsing and editing purposes as long as you don t need to save images. Currently only TTargaGraphic also supports saving an image
3.26 (1).zip - 1.Read the article to be summarized and be sure you understand it. 2.Outline the article. Note the major points. 3.Write a first draft of the summary without looking at the article. 4.Always use paraphrase when writing a summary. If you do copy a phrase from the original be sure it is a very important phrase that is necessary and cannot be paraphrased. In this case put "quotation marks" around the phrase. 5.Target your first draft for approximately 1/4 the length of the original. The features of a summary: 1.Start your summary with a clear identification of the type of work, title, author, and main point in the present tense. Example: In the feature article "Four Kinds of Reading," the author, Donald Hall, explains his opinion about different types of reading.
BusinessSkinForm VCL 12.10 D6_10.4 Sydney.rar - BusinessSkinForm VCL 12.10 D6 to 10.4 for Sydney
HIPS2.04.src.rar - 一款具有注册表,文件,内核,驱动..拦截..监控的hips源码
Indy10.5.6.rar - 号称最新的 Indy10.5.6试验过可以用,自己去研究吧
Indy10.rar - Indy10.5.6 完整代码 内有详细安装说明
DevExpress.rar - DevExpress For Delphi2009
DevExpress.ExpressQuantumGrid.Suite.v5.7.for.Delph - DevExpress.ExpressQuantumGrid控件组
BusinessSkinForm.v2.76.For.Delphi567.rar - 直接安装,感觉不错 直接安装,感觉不错 直接安装,感觉不错
VCLZipPro451_1.zip - VCLZip 4.51 Full Source
IPEDIT.rar - 很方便IP地址输入ipedit,轻松自由
BusinessSkinForm-10.05-FS.rar - 强大的著名控件BusinessSkinForm 10.05 Full Source,支持BCB,D7-2012
IdCustomTCPServer.zip - idCustomTCPServer for indy 10
EnvisionImageLibrary_v2.5.rar - EnvisionImageLibrary_v2.5 source code
VoiceComm.rar - Voice Commnucation Components for Delphi
Raize.rar - Raize for D7. 版本记不清了.
