
注册日期:2012-03-15 07:42:00

RAPSim_095_runable.zip - rapsim simulink whith rapsim,2018-10-09 04:29:42,下载0次
Convert_PS.rar - converte simulink to simcape,2018-09-11 04:32:22,下载1次
pitch control.zip - picth control and control the control for control,2018-01-13 03:53:14,下载3次
DFIG_Machine_Example.zip - pscad dfig thx pscad dfig simulation,2017-12-16 05:46:29,下载17次
model_turbinea.rar - model de la turbine et simulink,2017-10-31 05:38:11,下载4次
ch1.rar - chapter1 chapter1 chapter1 ,2016-11-22 04:52:08,下载1次
integrator.rar - matlab integrator simulink whith sin wave ,2015-11-07 04:29:58,下载1次
PLL_open_loop.rar - pll phase locked loop matlab simulink thank,2015-05-29 00:14:09,下载9次
MOSFET.rar - simulink powersym of mosfet transistor behavior try to understand,2015-05-20 20:00:19,下载12次
integrator.rar - this is easy simulink to understand behavior of integrator math in matlab simulink,2015-04-13 02:23:25,下载5次
simulinkDiodes.rar - this is matlab simulink for three diodes bridg that give good simulation for understanding ,2015-04-05 01:53:47,下载4次
dcmachine.rar - matlab smulation script of dc motors an behavior of this machines,2015-04-03 04:47:49,下载5次
dc01.rar - dc motor simulink an rectifier input ac to inveter and out is dc rectifier to dc motor,2015-03-14 20:35:20,下载7次
ex2_1.rar - bactiria growth model it for good knoledj of bacteria model in matlab simulink programation its easy and fast,2015-03-13 19:14:26,下载3次
3-ph-PWM-rectifier-with-PFC.rar - tree phase pmw rectifier whith pfc powersim simulation run in psim demos and plot result of this rectifier,2015-03-12 20:57:02,下载33次
A_3Diodes.rar - its diodes study for current load and behavior of diodes simulink this to learning fro matlab ,2015-03-11 20:36:29,下载2次
AC3.rar - simulink matlab for induction motor for modelisation of the machenery good for study induction,2015-03-10 20:07:12,下载2次
Case1_SmallSystem.zip - house power simulation of elictrical in optimisation of quality energy power,2015-03-09 20:09:14,下载8次
NREL5MW_Baseline_06b_TMD.rar - wind turbine modeling an simulation with matlab rnun and show,2015-03-09 00:52:34,下载11次

先进PID控制Matlab仿真(刘金琨编)第4版-仿真程序.rar - 先进PID控制Matlab仿真(刘金琨编)第4版-仿真程序 全书分17章,包括基本的PID控制、PID控制器的整定、时滞系统PID控制、基于微分器的PID控制、基于观测器的PID控制、自抗扰控制器及其PID控制、PD鲁棒自适应控制、专家PID控制和模糊PD控制、神经网络PID控制、基于差分进化的PID控制、伺服系统PID控制、迭代学PID控制、挠性及奇异摄动系统的PD控制、机械PID控制,以及其他控制方法的设计。每种方法都给出了算法推导、实例分析和相应的MATLAB仿真设计程序。
001.rar - 基于S函数的BP神经网络PID仿真,可以学习S函数的应用
c8bp_pid.rar - 基于S函数BP神经网络的PID控制器的研究与学习,方便简单,实用性特别强。
PID-controller.zip - 基于神经网络的PID控制器设计及Matlab仿真
matlab.zip - it is algo por neural network pid controller anation and optimization algo
myNeural_PIDs4.zip - 采用S函数设计神经网络PID控制器,该算法控制器应用于Simulink控制中,对初学者或其他算法的常规比较有较好的效果。
