
注册日期:2012-03-24 17:53:36

Zoom-Strips-Plot.zip - Plotting and examining speech waveforms is one of the most useful ways of understanding the properties of speech. This MATLAB exercise displays a speech waveform as both a single line waveform and as a running plot of speech samples (called a strips plot). This exercise allows the user to both plot and play user-selected regions of the waveform.,2014-02-14 18:32:21,下载5次
fcn_SR_KF.zip - This file compares three different versions of the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter is used for recursive parameter estimation. The Kalman filter can handle noisy measurements. The first implemented filter (fcn_KF) is the Kalman filter with standard update of the covariance matrix P. The covariance matrix reflects the uncertainties of the predictions. To improve the numerical stability Potter developed a square root update (fcn_KF_SRP) of the covariance matrix P. Another version is the square root covariance update via triangularization (fcn_KF_SRT). This file generates a model. Then the three Kalman filters perform an estimation of the model parameter. At the end the results are compared. Sources: Simon, D. (2006): Optimal state estimation Kaminski, P. (1971): Discrete Square Root Filtering: A Survey of Current Techniques Golub, G. (1996): Matrix Computations,2014-02-14 18:30:49,下载18次
fit_logistic.zip - Fit time series Q(t) to a logistic function. Inputs (vectors of same size): t (time) & Q Outputs: Qpre (logistic model fit to data) and three independent parameters: thalf, Qinf, and a, describing the logistic Q(t) = Qinf/(1 + exp(-a*(t-thalf))) Qinf is value as t --> infinity thalf is time of symmetric inflection point a is time decay constant Written by James Conder, Southern Illinois University, Oct. 2010 ,2014-02-14 18:29:17,下载8次
Financier.zip - Automatically downloads financial data for given indices, represents the combined portfolio and optimizes the allocation. ,2014-02-14 18:27:53,下载8次
sift_pitch.zip - This MATLAB exercise designs and implements a pitch period detector based on detecting and tracking peaks in the autocorrelation of the LPC error signal during regions of voiced speech. The pitch detection procedure is called the SIFT (Simple Inverse Filtering Tracking) method. The SIFT pitch period detector uses a secondary autocorrelation peak in order to detect and correct pitch period detection errors due to effects such as pitch period doubling and related phenomena.,2014-02-14 18:26:43,下载18次

ORL_2DPCA_2DLDA.rar - 本程序给出了DPCA进行人脸识别的性能曲线。从仿真结果可以看出本方案具有较好的性能。
