
注册日期:2012-04-11 21:35:52

svm_Feature_reduction - svm whit normalize and sefid sazi pca -->PR87882,2022-06-29 23:24:00,下载0次
mlp_Feature_reduction - mlp pca to Feature reduction -->PR87882,2022-06-29 23:23:00,下载0次
k-nearest neighbor With PCA data -->PR87882 - k-nearest neighbor With PCA data -->PR87882,2022-06-29 23:20:00,下载0次
RBF_ mlp_ knn number CCR - knn nuber CCR and figure - mlp number CCR and figure - RBF number CCR and figure,2022-06-29 23:13:00,下载0次
Idea for Hierarchical Clustering - Idea for Hierarchical Clustering- clusterig the nearest elements calculating start and end of each cluster,2022-06-29 23:10:00,下载0次
confusion matrix RBF_mlp_knn - confusion_matrix_mlp -confusion_matrix_knn -confusion_matrix_RBF,2022-06-29 23:07:00,下载0次
class boundary preserving algorithm for data cond - class boundary preserving algorithm for data condensation,2022-06-29 22:59:00,下载0次
Algorithm Design.rar - Algorithm Design: in c++ and matlab. Algorithms included Floyd, Binary?search, Kruskal, Prim, Quicksort, Strassen, Travelling?salesman, 8 QUEEN,2020-01-03 06:36:39,下载3次
Polygon Cut.rar - Polygon Cut,2019-12-20 05:58:52,下载0次
grafic01.rar - Ellipse - Circle - transfer - kahn and satrland,2019-12-11 01:01:20,下载0次
GRAPHIC.rar - GRAPHIC berznham ddl for line,2019-12-05 06:19:31,下载0次
opengl.zip - openGL in c, tirangle, 8sided,star,2019-06-28 04:56:12,下载1次
student.rar - The program that takes the test scores of a number of students and calculates the student's grade and the average student's score as the output after the student's name. The average score for calculating the student is calculated in the first lesson and the second coefficient is the second.,2019-01-30 00:43:43,下载1次
Load_Profile.rar - Investigating the Impact of Load Profile Attributes on Demand Response Exchange. Modeling of demand response (DR) seller bids in traditional approach/model includes a ustomer willingness factor assigned in a random/arbitrary manner.,2019-01-30 00:23:21,下载48次
grafic_open Gl's_dda.rar - Example for a graphic project,2019-01-18 23:05:13,下载1次
Binary_Genetic_Algorithm.zip - Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are most famous Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) which are inspired from natural evolution and selection. Their main application is in the field of optimization. Hence they are applicable to any kind of problem, which can be converted or stated as an optimization task.,2018-12-22 01:04:17,下载3次
Time_Series_Prediction_using_ANFIS (2).zip - ANFIS Model for Time Series Prediction, ANFIS (adaptive network based fuzzy inference system), to the prediction of chaotic time series, where the goal is to minimize the prediction error,2018-12-21 23:34:04,下载23次
Tabu_Search_for_n_Queens.zip - Comparison of Heuristic Algorithms for the N-Queen Problem, Tabu search elements, which is capable to find solution for huge instances of the n-queens (hundreds of millions n).,2018-12-21 23:32:30,下载1次
Simulated_Annealing.zip - Simulated Annealing is a global optimization algorithm that belongs to the field of Stochastic Optimization and Metaheuristics. Simulated Annealing is an adaptation of the Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm and is used in function optimization. Like the Genetic Algorithm, it provides a basis for a large variety of extensions and specialization's of the general method not limited to Parallel Simulated Annealing, Fast Simulated Annealing, and Adaptive Simulated Annealing.,2018-12-21 23:29:59,下载3次
PSO_TSP.zip - Solve Traveling Salesman Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,2018-12-21 23:28:57,下载1次
GA_Knapsack_Problem.zip - Solving the Knapsack Problem with a Simple Genetic Algorithm,2018-12-21 23:27:21,下载8次
Cultural.zip - The Cultural Algorithm is an extension to the field of Evolutionary Computation and may be considered a Meta-Evolutionary Algorithm. It more broadly belongs to the field of Computational Intelligence and Metaheuristics. It is related to other high-order extensions of Evolutionary Computation such as the Memetic Algorithm.,2018-12-21 23:25:59,下载2次
m01.rar - sort and display student using Structures with c++,2018-12-21 01:48:00,下载0次
machin_learning.rar - Machine learning-inputs are divided into two or more classes,2018-11-22 17:29:24,下载4次
Failure_tolerance.rar - Even_parity-Odd_parity-hamming-matrix_parity-crc,2018-10-28 17:43:06,下载4次
Multi-Objective_ICA-Solar_power-Code.rar - Modeling and optimization of the quasi-steady operation of Solar Power Plant equipped with thermal energy storage system,2018-10-25 04:50:29,下载28次
Quantum-behaved_PSO_final.rar - Quantum-behaved discrete multi-objective particle swarm optimization for complex network clustering,2018-10-25 04:48:56,下载15次
MOICA-Matlab-Code.zip - Multi-Objective Imperialistic Competitive Algorithm (MOICA) Source Code is provided below.,2018-09-02 22:11:24,下载7次
discrib.rar - Extreme learning machine (ELM) has become a popular topic in machine learning in recent years. ELM is a new kind of single-hidden layer feedforward neural network with an extremely low computational cost. ELM, however, has two evident drawbacks,2018-08-30 00:19:37,下载7次
main.rar - range of values of V to analyze the circuit over,2018-08-30 00:00:31,下载3次
wireless_NoC.rar - Topology generation and performance enhancement based on channel assignment optimization for hybrid wireless NoC with large system size,2018-08-29 23:52:21,下载2次
Final All Signals X4.zip - ECG- It only measures the rate and rhythm of the heartbeat. This kind of monitoring does not constitute a complete ECG,2018-08-29 23:48:40,下载3次
Tomour.rar - Tomour image processing,2018-08-22 04:53:05,下载20次
code?Reliability_Smart Grid.rar - Consumer-Centric Spatiotemporal Reliability Assessment and Compensation Model with Sensitive Component Analysis in Smart Grid,2018-08-22 04:48:41,下载19次
Loads_Control.rar - Large Scale Control of Deferrable Domestic Loads in Smart Grids,2018-08-22 04:45:14,下载8次
member_rejest.rar - ASP.NET and sql database,2018-07-25 20:11:08,下载0次
web_sit.rar - Website design with ASP.NET and sql database,2018-07-25 20:04:57,下载0次
main_Mankiw.rar - The dynamic AD–AS model focuses attention on how output and inflation respond over time to exogenous changes in the economic environment.,2018-07-25 19:55:56,下载3次
Mankiw.DynamicADAS.rar - A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply,2018-07-25 18:35:17,下载6次
prifix_infix.rar - Data Structure_project_ infix to prefix_ infix to postfix,2018-06-26 01:08:51,下载0次
tree.rar - Data Structure_project_ tree,2018-06-26 01:06:54,下载0次
linklist.rar - Linked list_insert_ delet_show,2018-06-26 01:05:37,下载0次
project02.rar - Model of a segmented femur. It shows the outer surface (red), the surface between compact bone and spongy bone (green) and the surface of the bone marrow (blue). In computer vision, image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments (sets of pixels, also known as super-pixels). The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze,2018-06-25 20:13:48,下载14次
vibration of the cabin of the elevator.rar - n order to investigate the vibration of the cabin of the elevator, the position of the rail guide surface and the quality of the coats have a significant role in this regard.,2018-06-25 20:01:58,下载3次
Hooke&Jeeves.rar - Pattern search (also known as direct search, derivative-free search, or black-box search) is a family of numerical optimization methods that does not require a gradient. As a result, it can be used on functions that are not continuous or differentiable. One such pattern search method is "convergence" (see below), which is based on the theory of positive bases. Optimization attempts to find the best match (the solution that has the lowest error value) in a multidimensional analysis space of possibilities.,2018-06-25 19:50:15,下载8次
p.rar - Programs transition, reflection, polygon, star, clock with openGL,2018-06-22 18:44:51,下载0次
Graphic.rar - Draw an ellipse graph, circle, line in Brisenham and DDA methods, and clock with c#,2018-06-22 18:40:46,下载2次
Segmentation_Rock.rar - Separation of rocks and sand is done from each other. And this separation has been done in three levels on the rocks, and their number is also written on pictures. Of course, in one of the results, the proportion of a stone or sand is determined in relation to the total image.,2018-06-22 18:33:06,下载2次
DB lab project.rar - Electric shop with sqlserve and asp,2018-06-01 22:52:38,下载0次
Gear ratio optimization_PSO.rar - Gear ratio optimization and shift control of 2-speed I-AMT in electric vehicle,2018-06-01 20:07:26,下载16次
ASP.net_C#_sql server_ shop store.rar - Shop system with asp and sql database,2018-06-01 20:00:22,下载1次
Draw a circle - draw an ellips.rar - Draw a line in a digital differential method - draw a line in the Bressan method,2018-05-22 00:44:13,下载0次
member_rejest.rar - Insert and delete and update in asp and c #,2018-05-22 00:35:41,下载0次
C++_Bersenham.rar - C++_Brizenham algorithm for drawing line,2018-05-10 15:30:13,下载0次
Coding_DCoding_image in excel.rar - Copy this folder to run on Drive D:,2018-04-30 23:50:06,下载1次
DB lab project.rar - Online Store in c# and sqlserver,2018-03-19 00:50:00,下载1次
Travel agency.rar - Travel Agency in c# and sqlserver,2018-03-19 00:45:39,下载1次
ReservationSystem.rar - Airplane ticket booking system in SQL-Server and c#,2018-03-19 00:41:33,下载1次
Project.rar - Implementing the University Selection System with SQL and C#,2018-03-19 00:35:33,下载1次
lasthesabdary.rar - omputer Database Enterprise Database Design in c# and sqlserver,2018-03-19 00:32:48,下载1次
DB_hospital.rar - Hospital database in c# and sqlserver,2018-03-19 00:29:38,下载5次
DB-PROJECT.rar - Vehicle Insurance Information Management System Riding in C# and sqlserver,2018-03-19 00:25:37,下载3次
tirandaz.rar - example database in C# and SQL server,2018-02-27 21:28:28,下载2次
gear ratio.rar - Optimization of the gear ratio of two speeds in terms of the lowest battery consumption,2018-02-27 20:57:28,下载3次
optimization and shift control.rar - Gear ratio optimization and shift control of 2-speed I-AMT in electric vehicle,2018-02-27 20:46:45,下载12次
matlab_fuzzy_hadi.rar - Fuzzy car tire adjustment,2018-02-05 05:22:39,下载6次
Travel agency services.rar - Travel agency services,2018-02-05 05:16:02,下载1次
shop.rar - Database design shop system in c #,2015-07-28 04:38:17,下载1次
Iran_khodro.rar - Iran Khodro design system in c #,2015-07-28 04:36:11,下载1次
PSO_TSP.rar - pso algorithm approach for TSP,2015-07-28 04:28:55,下载30次
GA_TSP.rar - genetic Algorithm Approach for TSP,2015-07-28 04:26:18,下载14次
PSO--Knapsack_Problem.rar - PSO Approach For Solving Knapsack Problem,2015-07-28 02:08:25,下载14次
GA-Knapsack_Problem.rar - genetic Approach For Solving Knapsack_Problem,2015-07-28 02:05:19,下载7次
p8.rar - Path synthesis of the four-bar mechanism using ABC algorithm and comparing with BGA-978-1-4799-0661-1/13/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE,2015-07-16 05:46:13,下载1次

roncoo-cmdb-master.rar - CMDB, 基于cobbler的二次开发,方便不会的机房和运维人员快速装机,CMDB的快速添加,zabbix 的模板管理,把CMDB同步到zabbix 数据库,然后批量绑定模板,删除维护周期,后期更新批量管理,故障申报系统,图形生成
PSO_SVM-With-LSO.zip - matlab code for pso-svm with lso
Futures-forecast-PSO-SVM-master.zip - 运用粒子群算法优化支持向量机的回归型预测实例
pso-svm.rar - 利用PSO优化SVM,利用分组式训练方法提高算法速度
PSO_SVM.zip - pso寻优,寻找SVM的 c、g参数,提高分类准确率
PSO-SVM.zip - 粒子群算法优化支持向量机的惩罚参数c和rbf的参数gamma。
pso-svm-work.rar - ANN classification using PSO
2010101813219440.rar - pb处理xml文件, 读写xml文件方法(查看xml, 导入xml,xml导入到datawindow等)
Markup110.zip - 存取XML文件存取XML文件存取XML文件存取XML文件
xml-code.rar - xml编程,适合初学者入门使用的xml程序的源代码。
COVID-19_map.zip - R语言画出疫情地图,中国累计的疫情数据,热力地图
NewCoronavirus.rar - 新型冠状病毒核酸序列,由matlab访问NCBI数据库获取,可用于生物信息学核酸序列分析,蛋白质结构预测,病毒传播机理分析等
covid-chestxray-master.zip - This is a Machine Learning Exercise for predicting COVID-19 in India.
BigBIGAN-for-COVID-19-master.zip - 机器学习识别肺炎CT图像...............
psort-in-matlab.zip - The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for neural network add in for psort. This add-in to the PSO Research toolbox (Evers 2009) aims to allow an artificial neural network (ANN or simply NN) to be trained using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique (Kennedy, Eberhart et al. The source code and files included in this project are listed in the project files section, please make sure whether the listed source code meet your needs there.
Load forcasting 2019.rar - The prediction of short term power load owns a great influence on performance of the whole electric sys- tem. Raising the result of power load forecasting is always a research spot. This paper proposes a method combined Elman neural network (ENN) and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) for the short-term power load forecasting. Firstly, this paper introduces the principle of ENN and PSO algorithm respectively and analyzes performance of network influenced by parameters of ENN. Then the particle swarm opti- mization algorithm is applied to searching the optimal learning rate of ENN
PSO_NN.zip - Particle Swarm Optimization and Backpropagation to Update Neural Network Weights
FNN_PSO.rar - This M-file is about using Particle Swarm Algorithm (PSO) to train a Fuzzy Neural Network.
