
注册日期:2012-04-13 21:54:21

上传列表 - This method will try to extract the centre lines of the veins. This is done by calculating local maximum curvatures in cross-sectional profiles of a vein image. The method is supposed to be robust against varying vein widths and non-uniform brightness.,2012-04-13 22:18:10,下载49次 - Stretches contrast on the image and normalize image from 0 to 1 The main difference of this function to the standard streching functions is that standard function finds global minimum and maximum on the image, then uses some low and high threshold values to normalize image(values below LowTHR are equated to LowTHR and values above HighTHR are equated to HighTHR). This function uses threshold values that are NEXT to miminum and maximum. Thus, we can exclude image backgound (which is normally zero) and find minimum value on the image itself. Same consideration goes to high thr. We exclude first global maximum because, if its a spike, we have better chance with the next value, and if it is not a spike, normally, next value is quite close to max (assuming smooth image), so our error is small,2012-04-13 22:14:10,下载9次 - Finger region localisation,2012-04-13 22:00:52,下载18次

