
注册日期:2012-05-03 06:41:52

C_Pocket_Reference.rar - Pocket Reference Peter Prinz and Ulla Kirch-Prinz Translated by Tony Crawford,2015-04-22 08:20:44,下载1次
vim-recipes.rar - A cookbook for the Vim text editor by Run Paint Run Run / Run Paint Press The Vim text editor is perhaps as famous for its learning curve as it is for its contributions to productivity. Vim isn t intuitive in the way other applications claim to be—you cannot use it by simply replicating the actions you perform with a word processor, by clicking on menu items aimlessly until you achieve your desired effect. But this is by design. The major strength of Vim is that it does things differently to magnificent effect. It permanently alters the way in which you regard text editors and software in general. And that is why, in 2009, I am putting the finishing touches to a free book about a text editor whose ancestry can be traced back to 1976.,2015-04-22 08:19:17,下载1次
UnixBible.rar - Psychotic’s Unix BibleWriten by Virtual Circuit * Psychotic’s Unix Bible writen by Virtual Circuit. This document may not be changed in any * * way. You may distribute this unix bible as much as you like, I wrote it as a reference for the * * public and that’s how I want it to remain. Any questions you have regarding this text you may * * reach me at rhat@cts.com. *,2015-04-22 08:17:39,下载1次
Linux-Shell-Scripting-Tutorial-Ver-1.rar - Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial Ver. 1.0 Written by Vivek G Gite,2015-04-22 08:16:15,下载1次
rtl_1795.zip - Developper:mathswork Arm IP Core Verilog This IP core is an ARM clone. It has the same architecture of ARM v4. Its main feature lists: Not support coprocessor instructions Not support THUMB instruction set All interrupts supported ,2015-04-22 08:03:26,下载2次
DMALCD.rar - STM32 Project. Document describes DMA, LCD and GPIO configuration.,2012-05-03 07:07:37,下载10次
48226662485258d178923f42ce4fd9c298750a70c7.rar - STM32 Project using DMA for data transfert. Code source is provided,2012-05-03 06:45:16,下载3次

