
注册日期:2012-05-10 18:55:18

上传列表 - ORCAD SIM900 library schematic and foot print for allegro. Use full to add into the libraries of Orcad 16.5 and higher and design schematics as well as PCB footprint,2014-01-30 00:31:54,下载42次 - This section focuses on a typical 4x4 matrix keypad, but you can use the same technique with a matrix keypad of any dimensions. A matrix keypad can be connected to the PSoC 1 without using any external components as shown,2014-01-30 00:27:10,下载2次 - Renesas efforts to address faults has been always a priority  Zero defects our key policy for systematic faults  Minimal FIT our key policy for random faults  Involvement and promotion of solutions to address remaining risks our key strength – Renesas is always on the driver seat,2014-01-30 00:24:07,下载10次 - All about handling Embedded systems using Renesas RL78/G13 1. keypad 2. LCD 3. ADC 4.UART 5. Timer and realtime interfacing and coding handlers explained here,2014-01-30 00:21:46,下载14次 - • Hand-held, battery operated units, such as Medical instruments like Blood Glucose Meters and Blood pressure meters, or Security Lockboxes and Electronic Key locks • AC-powered units with SuperCap backup, such as small appliances, like a Timed coffee maker or light timer • Wireless sensors, such as a Window-mounted Glass Break sensor • Units that “steal” power from a low voltage system, as in an HVAC thermostat powered by a 24V AC transformer or in an Industrial sensor application that draws power from a 4mA-20 mA current loop • Energy harvesting units where the application runs off very small, rechargeable Li-Ion batteries that are charged from incidental energy sources like photo-voltaic, wind, RF, vibration or thermal. ,2014-01-30 00:18:18,下载5次 - RL78/G13 based Datalogger project using ADXL,2014-01-30 00:08:20,下载7次

近期下载 - 该模型主要模拟蓄电池及其电池管理系统,即BMS,其中包括充放电电流计算、电池温度等,可用于电动汽车、燃料电池汽车模拟,也可用于电池建模计算 - 本单相正弦波逆变电源的设计,以12V蓄电池作为输入,输出为36V、50Hz的标准正弦波交流电。该电源采用推挽升压和全桥逆变两级变换,在控制电路上,前级推挽升压电路采用SG3525芯片控制,闭环反馈;逆变部分采用驱动芯片IR2110进行全桥逆变,采用U3990F6完成SPWM的调制,后级输出采用电流互感器进行采样反馈,形成双重反馈环节,增加了电源的稳定性;在保护上,具有输出过载、短路保护、过流保护、空载保护等多重保护功能电路,增强了该电源的可靠性和安全性;输出交流电压通过AD637的真有效值转换后,再由STC89C52单片机的控制进行模数转换,最终将电压值显示到液晶12864上,形成了良好的人机界面。该电源很好的完成了各项指标,输入功率为46.9W,输出功率为43.6W,效率达到了93 ,输出标准的50Hz正弦波。
LTC68042.rar - 电池管理系统,最多可同时管理12节电池电芯。LTC6804
RC5_Receiver_Demo.rar - RC5 IR remote control implementation with stm32
