
注册日期:2012-05-21 11:25:28

ver-1.3.36-14.rar - 大名鼎鼎gtk wave,不是应用软件, 是源代码。 Wave viewer for Verilog simulation. Keywords: Verilog, digital, logic, testing, wave viewer, VCD, LXT, LXT2, VZT, GHW, FST, scope, visualization, VHDL, Tcl,2013-07-24 09:53:30,下载2次
e_factory-1.0.1.rar - e_factory is designed to automate a factory floor with automatic process control, data collection and graphing. It is designed to be configurable to the available equipment and to be networked. Capabilities for current version are limited to RF gain, power and transfer curve measurements. Graphing and file IO are included. XForms, GPIB (LLP) and PLPLOT are required. Temperature controller is new goal. Keywords: ATE, sweepers, power meters, GPIB control, RF Power, RF Gain.,2013-07-24 09:47:40,下载3次
danalyzer-0.2.src.tar.gz - Description: Digital Logic Analyzer. Reads values from selected input Description: port and displays the bits using a nice GUI and display Description: similar to a Digital Logic Analyzer. Keywords: circuit xforms,2013-07-24 09:43:31,下载3次
oscope-1.5.tar.gz - c语言编写 示波器模拟软件, 具体看英文介绍。,2013-07-18 16:41:57,下载3次
magic-perl-for-beginner-.rar - 神奇的perl-最佳PERL入门读物 非常好的入门资料,2012-05-21 11:31:33,下载3次

imx214规格说明&寄存器设置.rar - sony摄像头芯片sensor imx214硬件 规格说明48页,寄存器说明xls表,配置文件2个。硬件接口、引脚介绍。寄存器包扩所有寄存器说明,配置、默认值,还有OTP;数据格式、功能、状态、CSI Capability Registers ,Data Format Description ,Image Scaling Registers ,Image Scaling Parameter Limit Registers ,Static AF Camera Parameters
IMX291LQR-C_(E)Data_Sheet_E15511C59.zip - 索尼IMX291数据手册,索尼的官方文档手册,跟IMX290手册差不多。需要的请下载
