
注册日期:2012-06-14 13:44:27

SPMForSensorDataAnalytic.zip - These files contain all the code necessary to run the example in the Webinar "Signal Processing for Machine Learning in MATLAB". They also include code to automate the download and preparation of the dataset used. In that webinar we presented an example of a classification system able to identify the physical activity that a human subject is engaged in, solely based on the accelerometer signals generated by his or her smartphone. We used consolidated signal processing methods to extract a fairly small number of highly-descriptive features, and finally trained a small Neural Network to map the feature vectors into the 6 different activity classes of a pre-recorded dataset. The topics discussed include: * Signal manipulation and visualisation * Design and application of digital filters * Frequency-domain analysis * Automatic peak detection * Feature extraction from signals * Train and test of simple Neural Networks,2018-05-15 11:54:21,下载11次
plsregress.rar - matlab的偏最小二乘分析源码,可以稍微修改下参数就可用啦,2012-06-14 13:49:20,下载75次

mubiaoheitifushe.rar - 目标辐射特性计算软件是一个用于计算黑体辐射特性的各种参数的软件,它的产生给黑体辐射计算开辟了一片新天地,为黑体辐射特性计算提供了一个直观、准确的结果。
UART.zip - 基于FPGA的UART设计,包含接收模块,发送模块,FIFO模块
MDT.rar - LTC2984 STM32测试工程,高精度多路数字温度测量
