
注册日期:2012-08-17 08:05:59

jpeg-coder.zip - EV_JPEG_ENC core is intended to encode raw bitmap images into JPEG compliant coded bit stream. JPEG baseline encoding method is used. ,2015-08-26 05:17:17,下载3次
ddr_sdr.zip - DDR SDRAM Controller Core - has been designed for use in XILINX Virtex II FPGAs - works with DDR SDRAM Device MT46V16M16 without changes - may be easily adapted to any other DDR SDRAM device,2015-08-26 05:13:07,下载2次
e1-framer.zip - e1 framer / de-framer based on itu-t standards state machine using GRAY CODE (or trying to use GRAY CODE,2015-08-26 05:09:10,下载1次
vga_lcd.zip - VGA LCD interface Uses gray codes to move one clock domain to the other. Flags are synchronous to the related clock domain - empty: synchronous to read_clock - full : synchronous to write_clock,2015-08-26 05:06:21,下载3次
h264.zip - This is an example top level module for the H264 submodules. Each implementation will differ at the top level due to differing number of video streams, resolution, and RAM type and interface. This is thus just a skeleton implementation.,2015-08-26 05:03:23,下载2次

sdk-xgs-robo-5.xx.x.rar - broadcom robo 系列芯片的SDK
