
注册日期:2012-08-17 20:20:58

tms320f28377 data manual .zip - 该文件是可以用DSP F28377的编程数据手册,2017-11-08 17:45:30,下载10次
应用BP网络的方法进行图像的压缩.zip - 该文件应用神经网络方法进行图像文件的压缩,欢迎交流,2017-11-08 17:36:26,下载4次
用神经网络进行手写数字的识别.zip - 该文件可以用于实现手写文字的图像识别,欢迎下载,2017-11-08 17:32:53,下载7次
linuxQT.zip - 可用于嵌入式开发的linuxQT镜像文件,2017-11-08 17:28:55,下载1次
android4.0.4.zip - 可以用于嵌入式编程的android4.0.4镜像文件,2017-11-08 17:23:25,下载1次
android2.3.zip - 可以用于嵌入式编程的android2.3镜像文件,2017-11-08 17:19:32,下载1次

采用MATLAB实现块匹配的全景图像拼接.zip - 采用块匹配技术实现了图像的拼接,效果很好
deconvolution.rar - 采用FIR最小二乘逆滤波器来实现反卷积 1.通过输入信号xn与传递函数gn求输出yn 2.通过使平方误差达到最小求出最佳延迟 3通过最佳延迟求得逆滤波器传递函数hn 4通过hn与yn进行卷积运算得到还原的输入信号xn1,进行对比 5按照题设要求,进行相关噪声添加,再次进行上述实验过程
Matlab-Noise-Reduction.rar - LMS (Least Mean Squares): most basic canonical ANC algo FxLMS (Filtered eXtended Least Mean Squares): adds an additional learned filter for the secondary path signal - signal from cancellation speakers to users ears - to account for phase problems and audio coloration added during practical noise cancellation applications NLMS (Normalized Least Mean Squares): adds simple adaptively updated learning rate on top of LMS to speed convergence. FxNLMS (Normalized Filtered eXtended Least Mean Squares): combines FxLMS and NLMS FuNLMS (Filtered-u Last Mean Squares): adds an additional active LMS filter to FxNLMS to cancel out noise bleeding from the cancellation speaker to the error mic. Fairly robust but convergence not gaurunteed!
Eriksson_method.zip - 基于FxLMS算法的主动噪声控制系统的次级通道在线建模
FXNLMS.zip - 频域自适应滤波器(FDAF)演示程序,基于MATLAB的M程序,包括FXLMS算法
Speedgoat_FXLMS_ANC_model.rar - 基于simulink实现单通道有源降噪,对任何噪声均可尝试。
