
注册日期:2012-09-17 11:48:41

maths-puzzle-book-for-gpsc.rar - this book helps in solving the puzzles for gpsc exam or for even more harder exams.. it contains 39 chapters each solving different problems and each having extra examples plus miscellany exercise for more practise ,2013-10-29 14:22:30,下载2次
spectral-method.rar - This source code is for image fusion developed in matlab gui.. this code works for spectral method. In which all types of images can be worked for.. medical image or any geographical images.. fusing the image is the most required source code today.,2013-10-29 14:00:47,下载16次
pca.rar - PCA gui code for Image Fusion. Which uses the PCA technique for fusing the images which can be any medical image or geographic image. in this code eign values are been calculated and then merge accordingly.. this code is written as gui code so better for gui code searchers,2013-10-29 13:50:38,下载43次
Audio_Watermarking_CODE.rar - for audio watermarking write code,2012-09-25 14:31:07,下载35次

