
注册日期:2012-11-14 05:50:42

Digital-Image-Processing-3(1).rar - Image processing lecture 3...,2013-05-20 03:36:36,下载1次
lecture1.rar - Image processing lecture 1.....,2013-05-20 03:35:39,下载1次
Digital-Image-Processing-2.rar - image processing lecture 1...,2013-05-20 03:35:05,下载2次
Survey-and-evalution.rar - Survey and evaluations of digital watermarking techniques ,2013-05-16 05:14:39,下载2次
Compressions.rar - Image compressions ,very useful ,hope it statisfies all of you,2013-05-16 05:13:44,下载3次
3.rar - Matlab gui ,about matlab gui importat info,2013-05-16 05:11:44,下载3次
2.rar - Comparative wirless protocolos ,2013-05-16 05:10:36,下载2次
1.rar - Important paper concerning the phase lock loop.,2013-05-16 05:09:57,下载1次
WaveletTutorial.rar - Wavelet tutorials.for those interested in wavelets ,2013-04-27 23:09:21,下载3次
FrameDSP.rar - Some DSP information , I want to share with you,2013-04-27 23:08:02,下载1次
Directional-Multiresolution.rar - Wavelets, directional multi resolution ,2013-04-27 23:07:04,下载2次
conturlets.rar - Contourletss ,very good information you can find about contourlet trasform,2013-04-27 23:03:18,下载2次
An-introduction-to-Wavelet-Transform.rar - Introduction to wavelets ,,,check it put plz,2013-04-27 23:02:38,下载2次
MatLabGUItutorial.rar - Matlab tutorial ,very useful for those who are new to matlab,2013-04-27 22:53:54,下载2次
watermark.rar - Digital watermarking review ,legal issues,2013-04-27 22:51:36,下载2次
noisy.rar - Contourlet transform in Noisy environoment,2013-04-27 22:50:11,下载1次
Medical-Image-Compression-Using-Fuzzy.rar - Medical Image Compression by Using the Fuzzy C-Means Based the Contourlet Transform, very usefull,2013-04-27 22:47:10,下载5次
contourlet.rar - A contourlet transform paper, very good information you will find in it,2013-04-27 22:45:57,下载1次
Ahmedhadbastyle.rar - A matlab simulink for a bit-synchronizer,2013-04-08 03:59:29,下载7次
A-New-Approach-for-Image-Hiding-Based-on-Contourl - Another wattermarking paper...see and get good info,2013-04-08 03:30:17,下载1次
An-Adaptive-Watermarking-Technique-for-the.rar - Watermarking paper ...very important,2013-04-08 03:27:56,下载4次
wwattermarkkingg-3.rar - watermarking is robust ....try this now,2013-04-08 03:24:56,下载2次
waterrmarkingg-2.rar - great watermarking and roubust aslo,2013-04-08 03:23:38,下载4次
MultiWatermarking.rar - very effective watermarking technique,2013-04-08 03:20:59,下载3次
Project.rar - Adding 2 types of noise to an image and then removing the noise and evaluating the removal process,2013-03-25 23:25:10,下载2次
cpu-schedualing.rar - CPU schedualing ,gantt chart drawing,2013-03-25 23:21:59,下载4次
Page-Replacement-proj-memory-management.rar - CPU Algorithms Page Replacement project memory management,2013-03-09 03:38:02,下载2次

bandpass.rar - Bandpass filter program.
fir-filter-lowbandhighpass.rar - matlab分别实现低通,带通,高通滤波器的程序
curvelet-denoisy.rar - curvelet denoise matlab code - Watermarking using Fas Fourrier Transform FFT
FFT2IFFT2.rar - FFT2 & IFFT2\Untitle.rar with matlab
fft2.rar - matlab实现的fft2程序,可用于图像频谱分析
S11.rar - 旁瓣相消Sidelobe cancellation,抑制杂波,尤其在杂波较信号较强的情况下
mimo功率优化.rar - MIMO系统的功率优化问题,通过SVD分解和注水算法,可以实现不同发送天线上的功率分配。
lsb.rar - 利用LSB算法嵌入隐藏图像,可在广义LSB中设置修改的位平面,返回误码率和峰值信噪比。含各种经典的攻击方式,可用于实验。并可控制攻击的强弱。利用Matlab编写。
CT.rar - 脑部的CT图像,同于医学图像的处理,DICOM的数据格式,保存最原始的数据
mri_toolbox_v1.5.tar.gz - 一个对MRI图像进行分割的工具。对于学习研究MRI分割非常有用
dwt_svd_mfile.rar - 在DWT-SVD的基础上进行的改进,结合了DCT的特点实现一种基于DWT-DCT-SVD的水印算法 - color image watermarking in r g b planes using rdwt and svd - 用MATLAB写得离散小波-奇异值分解的算法。嵌入水印信息
svd_dwt.rar - 实现基于离散小波(dwt)的奇异值(svd)分解算法的实现
matlab.rar - 基于Logistic混沌映射图像加密
Digital watermarking.rar - Digital watermarking - with this app u can copy all user data when user input he/she to your system with a simple user interface
