
注册日期:2012-11-15 11:46:06

kucunguanli.rar - From the system maintenance, modify the password, personal data, department management, level management, user management, authority management and so on! Inventory management: warehouse receipt, warehouse receipt, inventory query, warehouse single query, warehouse single query, commodity code maintenance and other functions! Each of the functions of the corresponding additional and delete, report and export, etc.! Product code maintenance: the data browsing window can design an electronic table format input interface, which can be added, modified, deleted, and other operations on the main table.,2018-03-29 15:47:12,下载1次
jdbgzdhgl.zip - It can be used for lessons for beginners and also for curriculum design. Two. Function introduction Developing a more perfect office automation management system based on Web can provide a faster operation platform for users, manage daily work effectively and make reasonable budgets for future, and achieve higher returns while saving cost. This system makes the office close to paperless office, and at the same time, to a great extent, improve office efficiency.,2018-03-29 12:10:48,下载1次
YouKuVideoParser.zip - To read the Youku site directly, you can read the thumbnail and the playback code of the Youku video. It's a good way to go to the video. Full set of C# source code sharing, using VS.NET 2012 to open VideoParser.sln editable modification,2018-03-29 12:09:32,下载1次
yii2.zip - A high-performance web application development framework for PHP5. The code framework through a simple command-line tool yiic can quickly create a web application, developers can add business logic in the code generation framework based on the development of fast to complete the application.,2017-09-22 15:42:39,下载1次
esxffpt.zip - Two senior distribution platform is a IOS application hosting, full automatic decryption IPA,2017-09-22 15:40:44,下载3次
wzzzjlq.zip - Free program. The main function is to record the major search engine collection on the site. Real-time record of Baidu, Google spider crawling trajectory, analysis. To better optimize the purpose of the web site.,2017-09-22 15:39:56,下载1次
damicms.zip - A free, open source, fast, simple PC station and mobile station integration integration system, is committed to providing users with simple and fast PC site and smart phone site solutions. Provide open source Android mobile client (APK) and the corresponding server-side system source code download.,2017-09-22 15:39:07,下载1次
timophp.zip - 1, PHP5.6+ (support PHP7) 2, PSR standard 3, lightweight, flexible expansion 4, custom exception handling, such as 404 5, the original template parsing 6, the expenditure view component 7, templates support multiple themes, layout (layout) 8, writing app interface is pretty cool 9, join the CLI model expenditure, used to write services, timing scripts, very good 10, increasing dependency injection into service containers to implement loose coupling between components 11, support the database read and write separation settings, can be specific to a table 12, support the controller packet routing to reduce the controller complexity,2017-09-22 15:38:17,下载1次
phpqpwz5.zip - php全屏大气企业网站源码是以php+mysql进行开发的通用企业网站源码。 php全屏大气企业网站源码安装方法: 1、把代码放到网站更目录 2、将相应的sql文件导入数据库中 3、配置数据库连接 根目录/config.php 4、伪静态安装 Apache Web Server(独立主机用户) 不用配置 IIS Web Server(独立主机用户) 伪静态文件在根目录/httpd.ini IIS7 Web Server(独立主机用户) 伪静态文件在根目录/web.config,2017-05-03 10:23:05,下载6次
picok_core.zip - 一个用于创建类似于iGoogle个性化首页的PHP开源系统。Picok基于PHP(Zend Framework),YUI开发。支持IBM Lotus Notes,多用户,多国语言,多种数据库(MySQL、Microsoft SQL Server),2017-05-03 10:22:14,下载1次
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hcmfddxt1.rar - 适用于 电脑PC显示器 手机屏幕,将会是您网上电子商务与微商的最好选择 后续移动端HTML5功能继续开发当中,在不久的将来将会与您相见。 汇成免费订单系统具备如下功能: 1.产品发布 2.邮件自动通知 3.订单状态管理 4.首页模版个性设置 5.生成纯静态页面 6.服务器状态检测 7.帐号管理 8.操作记录日志,2016-09-20 17:57:08,下载1次
xyswzym.rar - 一:使搜索引擎更加容易抓取和索引 二:提供更多的功能,提高用户的友好体验 三:可用性的提高,提高用户的友好体验 美食主题HTML5响应式网站使用方法 将文件上传只ASP空间,运行http://你的域名/install.asp进行安装。 只需两步即可安装完成,为了保证网站安全,请修改默认后台路径及数据库名称。,2016-08-05 16:40:55,下载5次
PandaReaderLight.zip - 熊猫看书可以自动滚屏但是没有滚速设置,带有书签功能。可以实现字体的动态设置,实现了在应用内控制屏幕亮度的功能,可以设置多种背景颜色和字体颜色。,2016-07-03 13:34:03,下载1次
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group_v1.1.rar - 1.煮米团团购软件永久免费使用 2.傻瓜式操作,无须数据库支持!不懂技术也可以轻松开团 3.Share模式团购联盟,有丰富商品资源免费提供!不用担心资源不够。 4.Share模式下,将有数百人组团推广,为你推广更快成团!利润翻800倍! 5.软件平台稳定,TOUCH多年成熟技术团队全力支持! 6.邮件订阅功能,2016-04-14 18:14:48,下载1次
suisuinian_v0.2.zip - eoo!碎碎念使用: 首先把[导入数据库.sql]导入到数据库中. 然后修改[conn.php]里面的数据库连接信息。 最后上传程序. 后台登陆地址为:eoo_login.php 帐号:admin 密码:admin 更多修改请看下载文件内使用说明.txt。 后台有修改密码功能。,2016-04-11 12:04:56,下载1次
geeweb_v2.0.zip - 选择GeeWeb的理由 1.完全免费、快速搭建和简单维护 2.后台各种权限分配严谨、清晰明了,让不同的管理员各司其职 3.友好、优化的URL设计,让您的用户和搜索引擎当然还有您都喜欢 4.充分的SQL、XSS等过滤,最大限度的保证网站的安全 5.采用高效的缓存机制,接近于零的数据库访问,从而大大提高了网站负载能力 6.正在设计中的各种模板主题,让您对网站风格的选择切换得心应手,2016-04-11 12:04:22,下载1次
lybbs1.2.beta-2.20020612001.zip - 1.修正了发帖时返回首页的bug; 2.修正了发投票时输入用户名密码无效和空投票的bug; 3.修正了帖子排序的问题,被回复帖将被提到最前; 4.修正了精华区的错误和删投票的错误; 5.添加了ubb凌云标签; 6.添加了表情符转换; 7.修复了编辑帖子的错误; 8.修复了用户登录时选择短消息免打扰的错误; 9.修复跳转页面的错误;,2016-03-14 15:10:22,下载1次
dogdisk.rar - 新手做的一个网络硬盘 基于java。希望大家指正。,2012-11-15 14:55:39,下载6次

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