
注册日期:2012-12-16 03:39:37

cbir.rar - Survey about CBIR using Relevance Feedback,2015-11-26 20:56:21,下载2次
gsa.rar - GSA,source code for Gravitational Search algorithm,2015-03-31 16:49:51,下载10次
SURF.rar - Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) is a robust local feature detector invariant to scale rotation and illumination similaire to SIFT Scale Invariant Feature Transform,2014-11-03 20:31:29,下载6次
derniere-version-maroc.rar - In the current decade, we are witnessing a great interest in Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) together with a wealth of promising technologies, paved for a large number of new mechanisms and systems. In terms of mechanisms, a strong trend towards the employment of diverse Relevance Feedback (RF) approaches in CBIR systems to capture image(s) of interest has emerged. However, the need to select a particular technique in a given application domain depends on the nature of images in the collection at hand. So our paper mainly reviews and compares different approaches of CBIR using RF. Its ultimate goal is to present information about image database aspects and image features setting so as to support the selection of the appropriate CBIR with RF Techniques.,2014-07-23 22:05:31,下载3次
article.rar - Nowadays, Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is the mainstay of image retrieval systems. To understand the query semantics and users expectations so as to communicate faithful results in terms of accuracy, Relevance Feedback (RF) was incorporated to CBIR systems. By allowing the user to assess iteratively the answers as relevant/irrelevant or even giving him/her the opportunity to specify a degree of relevance (user’s feedbacks) , the system creates a new query that better captures the user s needs, hence raising the opportunity to get more relevant image results. In this paper, we have focused on CBIR and basic concepts pertaining to it, as well as Relevance Feedback and its various mechanisms. An important contribution in this work is a comparative analysis of CBIR systems using reference feedback: major models and approaches are discussed in detail from early heuristic methods to recently optimal learning algorithms, with more emphasize on their advantages and weaknesses.,2014-07-23 06:02:42,下载3次
rle.rar - rle compression decompression,2012-12-21 21:32:05,下载7次
lzw.rar - lzw compression et decompression,2012-12-21 21:30:33,下载10次
zzzzzzz.rar - graph 2D triangulation,2012-12-21 21:27:55,下载2次

