
注册日期:2013-01-19 21:28:12

103_rep103.rar - fuzzy logic theory solving uncertainties problems ,2015-01-26 02:55:37,下载3次
front.rar - front position of vehicle controlled by fuzzy logic controller,2015-01-26 02:51:05,下载2次
car_model_front.rar - controlling front position of car state model by fuzzy in simulink,2015-01-26 02:43:33,下载8次
vertical.rar - matlab plotting vertical state of car lane changing by fuzzy,2015-01-26 02:41:56,下载3次
car_model_vertical.rar - matlab simulink implementation for car parking in vertical mode by fuzzy ,2015-01-26 02:39:19,下载24次
test4.rar - test car lane changing with matlab simulink based on fuzzy control test 4.,2015-01-26 02:37:17,下载8次
test5.rar - testing and uating car lane changing with matlab simulink,2015-01-26 02:35:11,下载8次
test3.rar - car following lane changing with fuzzy method in simulink with matlab,2015-01-26 02:32:47,下载25次
car_func.rar - car parking with fuzzy for different test study,2015-01-26 02:27:21,下载12次
car_model_test1.rar - matlab simulink model for car parking with fuzzy,2015-01-26 02:24:52,下载23次
position_plot.rar - position of vehicle maneuvering in lane changing with fuzzy ,2015-01-26 02:23:20,下载4次
Q13.rar - fuzzy control method for stability analysis of systems,2015-01-26 02:16:40,下载2次
q12.rar - solving numerical state space system with Fuzzy method,2015-01-26 02:14:55,下载2次
Q3.rar - car parking correctly by Fuzzy controller TS method,2015-01-26 02:13:19,下载15次
example_8_39.rar - mpc example code for matlab,2014-01-30 03:50:38,下载13次
mpc_1.rar - this is mpc example ....,2014-01-30 03:41:55,下载21次
mpc_2.rar - this is mpc ezample...,2014-01-30 03:40:17,下载11次
mpc_3.rar - this ismatlab code for mpc example..,2014-01-30 03:38:44,下载27次
mpc_4.rar - this is matlab code ,2014-01-30 03:36:43,下载7次
dost.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:24:52,下载8次
matlab.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:22:21,下载5次
Pm1061_00.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:21:10,下载4次
PID_Theory_from_Wikipedia.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:20:16,下载6次
final_fuzzy_S.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:19:32,下载18次
final_fuzzy.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:19:04,下载8次 - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:18:22,下载12次
Attachments_2013726_2.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:17:51,下载12次
Doc2.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:16:59,下载8次
fs11.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:14:25,下载13次
f11.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:13:43,下载8次
Doc1.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:12:27,下载10次
fs.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:11:32,下载11次
f.rar - this is new approach for fuel cell is really helpfull.,2013-09-09 17:10:24,下载9次 - this code is about tabu search optimization....,2013-05-26 17:27:21,下载2次
05chapter5.rar - this code is about tabu search optimization....,2013-05-26 17:26:35,下载2次
msminimization.rar - this is a new alghorithm about tabu search....,2013-05-26 16:49:11,下载4次
main.rar - this is a new alghorithm about tabu search....,2013-05-26 16:48:25,下载2次
tabuveh2661622.rar - this is a new alghorithm about tabu search....,2013-05-26 16:48:23,下载4次
hadi-alizade.rar - this is a new alghorithm about tabu search....,2013-05-26 16:47:20,下载3次
RMIC01_054_1533640.rar - this is about risk managment problems....,2013-05-26 16:44:37,下载2次
IUST-v23n1p43-fa.rar - this is about risk managment problems....,2013-05-26 16:44:22,下载3次
IIEC06_219_1533620.rar - this is about risk managment problems....,2013-05-26 16:43:29,下载3次
63913910104.rar - this is about risk managment problems....,2013-05-26 16:42:27,下载4次
5.rar - this is about risk managment problems....,2013-05-26 16:41:39,下载2次
2.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:50:47,下载3次
1.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:50:14,下载3次
j.1539-6975.2010.01403.x.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:49:23,下载3次
j.1467-9442.2011.01657.x.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:48:41,下载3次
jifm1056.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:45:02,下载3次
heidary3.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:44:20,下载3次
heidary2.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:43:56,下载3次
heidary.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:43:16,下载2次
Booklet-sarmaye.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:42:34,下载3次
S03-3.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:41:29,下载3次
12-2445.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:34:58,下载3次
3.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:33:45,下载2次
phlrezaeian.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:33:04,下载2次
7-Risk-Concentrations-Principles.rar - this file is about risk managment in marketing....,2013-05-25 13:31:49,下载1次
JILSA20110100001_86895415.rar - this is file for optimization and searching.,2013-04-29 14:07:05,下载2次 - this is file for optimization and searching.,2013-04-29 14:05:02,下载2次
MATLAB-Stochastic-Simulation.rar - this is file for discret event system,,,2013-03-11 15:40:40,下载6次
msfuntmpl.rar - this is file for traffic networks benchmarks...,2013-03-11 15:37:01,下载2次
model2.rar - this is file for traffic networks benchmarks...,2013-03-11 15:36:35,下载2次
model1.rar - this is file for traffic networks benchmarks...,2013-03-11 15:36:10,下载3次
fcn.rar - this is file for traffic networks benchmarks...,2013-03-11 15:35:42,下载3次
untitled.rar - this is file for traffic networks benchmarks...,2013-03-11 15:34:27,下载2次 - this is file for traffic networks benchmarks...,2013-03-11 15:33:48,下载2次
tabu.rar - this is file for traffic networks benchmarks...,2013-03-11 15:31:07,下载2次
nonlinsystem.rar - this is file code for comunication control system...,2013-02-25 03:46:35,下载3次
noisefilter.rar - this is file code for comunication control system...,2013-02-25 03:46:06,下载3次

Breast-cancer-type - 基于k-NN分类和sklearn乳腺癌数据集的乳腺癌类型预测
-Wisconsin-Diagnostic-Breast-Cancer-WDBC-Dataset. - 基于监督学习算法的WDBC数据集分类任务。,
Image-Classification-with-KNN-and-SVM - 基于KNN和SVM的图像分类,,
Cancer-Prediction-in-Early-stages - 机器学习技术可以用来克服这些缺点,这些缺点是由于高维的学习模型所导致的...
Task-_7 - 在该任务中,结合了从10到16的分配,其中包含线性、逻辑、knn、svm、决策树、随机森林、数据...
Classification-Algos - 在同一数据集上应用各种分类算法(KNN、Logistic回归、SVM、随机森林分类器)
cision-Tree-Random-Forest-KNN-Naive-Bayes-and-SVM - 糖尿病预测物流回归决策树随机森林KNN朴素贝叶斯和SVM,,
Breast-cancer-diagnosis-using-machine-learning - 使用机器学习进行乳腺癌诊断,,
ClassificationAlgorithms_ML - 该存储库有7个python文件,包含5个分类算法(逻辑回归、KNN、SVM、决策树、随机森林)...,
abalone-classification-regression - 用于分类和回归的kNN、决策树、随机森林和SVM算法的实现应用于...
Feature-Extraction-Bag-of-Features-and-SVM-KNN-RF - 基于SIFT&SURF特征提取、Bag of Features和SVM&KNN&RF的图像分类
Wine-classification-using-KNN-and-SVM-classifier - 该项目旨在使用现代和有效的技术,如KNN和SVM,将数据集分组并提供...
reinforcement-learning-trajectory-optimization - 在一个定制的健身房环境中,使用深度Q网络和DDPG算法学习轨迹优化的人工智能代理...
UAV_DDPG - 无人机辅助MEC系统弹道优化与计算卸载策略
MMCqueue.rar - In queueing theory, the M/M/c queue is a multi-server queueing model.[1] In Kendall s notation it describes a system where arrivals form a single queue and are governed by a Poisson process, there are c servers and job service times are exponentially distributed.[2] It is a generalisation of the M/M/1 queue which considers only a single server. The model with infinitely many servers is the M/M/∞ queue.
Queuing-Systems-in-a-small-clinic.rar - This report explains the queuing systems in a small clinic which has two types of queuing systems and can be denoted by Kendall’s notation M/U/1 and M/M/2. The confidence intervals for necessary queuing parameters are calculated for both of the queuing system. Finally in the view of the results the critical issues are discussed.
MM1-system.rar - MM1排队系统,MM1排队系统,MM1排队系统,MM1排队系统,
MYMM1.rar - M/M/1单服务台排队系统仿真(用事件调度法实现离散事件系统仿真) 顾客到达模到达时间间隔和顾客服务时间均服从负指数分布,单服务台系统,按照单队排队,按FIFO方式服务。考察服务n个顾客(n=1000,2000,3000,5000)后的顾客平均队长及平均排队等待时间。 - FIRST IN FIRST OUT QUEUE
queue_emulator.rar - 这是一个基于M/M/S类型的排队论仿真程序。M/M/S表示到达时间为负指数分布,服务时间为负指数分布,服务设备数量为S个的排队系统。 (1)到达模式:严格意义上讲是一个接着一个到达,而且到达时间间隔服从参数为mean_arr的负指数分布; (2)服务模式:服务台的数量为server_num,且每个服务台服务一个顾客的服务时间服从参数为mean_serv的负指数分布; (3)排队规则:满足先进先服务,服务快的先离开的规则。
