
注册日期:2013-02-28 16:24:20

上传列表 - Tridiagonal code for assignament,2021-04-09 17:37:04,下载0次 - Matlab code for image processing,2021-04-09 17:35:41,下载0次 - matlab fusion code for sar images,2021-04-09 17:33:34,下载0次 - Wireless power transfer ode,2021-04-02 10:46:14,下载0次 - Weed detection project code,2021-03-19 16:22:08,下载0次
Bert-BiLSTM-CRF-pytorch-master (1).zip - named entity retrival python code,2021-03-19 16:09:01,下载0次
VD2_VANYAN_ANNA_10062014.rar - Assignments solutions and questions,2020-12-23 01:17:24,下载0次
2686_Solution_090406.rar - Wireless communication matlab questions and answer,2020-12-23 01:14:31,下载0次
Solutiontoproblemsheet3.rar - Wireless communication assignments questions,2020-12-23 01:10:16,下载0次
Solutiontoproblemsheet5.rar - Assignment answers for MIMO,2020-12-23 01:10:14,下载0次
Solutiontoproblemsheet4.rar - Wireless communication assignment answers,2020-12-23 01:08:36,下载0次
Assignment-6solution (1).rar - Wireless communication matlab questions and answer,2020-12-23 01:06:09,下载0次
1802.03086 (1).rar - thesis paper for SVC,2020-11-29 12:59:13,下载2次
Screen_shots.rar - ouput screenshots of the SVC,2020-11-29 12:57:12,下载0次
FINAL_IEEE9_WITH_SVC.rar - matlab SVC simulation,2020-11-29 12:56:30,下载13次
GAN_Rayleigh.rar - GAN protocol raylieh channel,2020-11-19 12:12:48,下载5次
Digital-communication-project-master (1).zip - malab communication project,2020-11-06 10:26:15,下载1次 - Hybrid image fusion for high resilution,2020-10-10 12:34:33,下载3次 - matlab optimization code for optimizing,2020-10-10 12:30:39,下载1次 - Hybrid image fuson using SCTS,2020-10-10 11:26:52,下载0次
P_Proteus 7.10.rar - Proteus software backup source file,2020-09-12 17:35:35,下载0次 - Intellegent traffic signal control,2020-09-12 17:34:38,下载2次 - Cryptography algorithms matlab code,2020-09-12 17:32:47,下载3次 - Traffic light simulation fuzzy,2020-09-12 17:30:36,下载1次 - MIMO beam forming matlab code,2020-09-12 17:28:34,下载0次 - Python code for rice quality classification,2020-07-30 00:28:10,下载0次 - HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE CLASSIFICATION,2020-07-30 00:26:00,下载0次 - MASSIVE MIMO TEXT BOOK,2020-07-30 00:24:26,下载7次 - bacteria segentation code matlab,2020-07-30 00:17:48,下载0次 - Red leison detection for retina,2020-07-30 00:16:11,下载0次 - DC cable FEM analsysi,2020-07-15 20:01:20,下载1次 - Unified Power Flow Controller,2020-07-15 19:58:40,下载1次 - OTFS modulation simulation inmatlab,2020-07-15 19:57:49,下载23次 - MATLAB Codes related to Gaussian Q function and SEP expressions over Nakagami-m fading,2020-06-28 21:39:06,下载1次
A-Simple-Chatbot--master.rar - File encryption system,2020-05-11 12:19:33,下载1次
Reactive power compensation.rar - mASSIVE MIMO IMPLEMENTATION,2020-05-11 12:00:09,下载3次 - METAMATERIAL ANTENNA,2020-05-11 11:58:11,下载3次
econimoc dispatch (1).zip - SCMA FILES FOR POLAR CODES,2020-03-16 17:48:40,下载1次
Speaker voice - Audio fuiles for voice recognition,2020-03-16 17:47:32,下载0次
PV MPC - MPC CONTROLLETER MPC MATLAB,2019-12-14 12:42:21,下载85次 - MPC CONTROLLER FOR MPI,2019-12-14 12:34:17,下载1次 - MATLAB CODE FOR LEACH PROTOCOL,2019-12-14 12:33:02,下载2次 - HSI IMAGE CLASSIFICATION,2019-12-14 12:32:01,下载3次 - web searech engine using page ranking,2019-10-22 14:29:08,下载0次 - web search engine project using page,2019-10-22 14:09:32,下载0次 - matlab code for sleep disorder,2019-09-19 19:28:41,下载3次 - code for weather data analysis in python,2019-03-26 11:18:11,下载0次 - data analysis code in python,2019-03-26 11:15:57,下载0次
CollegeManagementapp.rar - college management app android code,2019-03-26 11:14:30,下载0次 - finger print attendence master,2019-03-26 11:09:50,下载0次 - attendance tracker android code,2019-03-26 11:09:01,下载0次 - Web news extraction python code,2019-03-26 11:08:23,下载0次 - finger print authentication,2019-03-26 11:07:42,下载1次
abcnews-date-text11.rar - Tweet data set for spam,2018-10-04 22:32:46,下载0次
2018 Titles.rar - ieee proejcts titles,2018-10-04 22:13:26,下载0次
C# Speech Recognition.rar - Speech recognition code,2018-10-04 22:07:41,下载0次
FactorAnalysisHowTo.rar - spsss statistical analysis,2018-04-08 11:07:34,下载1次
IJCE-v3n1p1-en.rar - Journal for face java project,2018-04-08 11:06:30,下载1次 - mems accelrerometer matlab,2018-03-07 10:03:07,下载4次
monday5.rar - Retinopathy detection,2018-03-07 10:00:21,下载8次
fw (5) (1).rar - IMAGE PREPROCESSING CODE,2018-02-12 13:06:43,下载1次
partial code.rar - mATLAB PROGRAM FOR IMAGE FUSION,2018-02-12 13:02:12,下载4次 - chemical reactions for cstr,2017-12-12 19:47:51,下载2次 - face recgnition software,2017-12-12 19:45:56,下载1次 - sparse face recognition,2017-12-12 19:44:48,下载2次
WEBPAGE-RECOMMENDATIO.rar - Creating Search history Any personal documents such as browsing history and emails on a user’s computer could be the data source for user profiles. This focus on frequent terms limits the dimensionality of the document set, which further provides a clear description of users’ interest. This module allows the search engine to better understand a user’s session and potentially tailor that user’s search experience according to the needs. Once query groups, which have been identified, that the search engines can have a very good representation of the search context behind the current query using queries and clicks in the corresponding query group. ,2016-09-22 14:31:24,下载1次
etc.rar - SENTIMENTAL ANALYSIS JAVA CODE,2016-09-22 14:21:41,下载1次
Utils.rar - HADOOP DATA MINING WEB MINING,2016-09-22 14:18:40,下载1次
exceptions.rar - DATA MINING OF WEBSERVICE,2016-09-22 14:17:38,下载1次
controllers.rar - SENTIMENTAL ANALYSIS FOR WEBSERVICE,2016-09-22 14:16:53,下载1次
models.rar - WEBSERIVE FOR SENTIMEMATL ANALYSIS,2016-09-22 14:15:23,下载1次
civil-project-list.rar - When outsourcing video contents into the cloud, it is not easy to achieve fine-grained access control especially in timedomain, as the owners of video contents are not able to control their data as on their own servers. The untrustworthy cloud servers further make this issue more challenging, because: 1) cloud servers may not be fully trusted by the owners to control the access of their video contents and 2) cloud servers may also be curious about the stored video contents. Thus, existing server-based access control methods (e.g., Access Control Lists) are not applicable for cloud-based video content sharing. A possible approach is to encrypt video contents and only authorized users are given decryption keys. In the above mentioned example in Fig. 1, all the video frames in t1 are encrypted by one key, while all the video frames in t2 are encrypted by another key.,2016-09-22 14:13:27,下载1次
Time-domain-attribute.rar - Abstract—With the ever-increasing demands on multimedia applications, cloud computing, due to its economical but powerful resources, is becoming a natural platform to process, store and share multimedia contents. However, the employment of cloud computing also brings new security and privacy issues as few public cloud servers can be fully trusted by users. In this paper, we focus on how to securely share video contents to,2016-09-22 14:11:47,下载2次
ECE-LIST-2015-2016-AUG12015.rar - occurrence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is usually related to nocturnal, unmonitored seizures [1]. The vast majority of seizures are associated with a heart rate increase [2], which can, in turn, be used for seizure detection [3]. In a clinical setting, heart rate ismainly obtained through automatic analysis of an electrocardiography (ECG) signal measured with at least two electrodes attached to the skin. This is uncomfortable and can lead to skin irritation. Electrocardiography signals also tend to become noisy when patients move, which is often the case during seizures. The fitness industry faces a similar problem heart rate needs,2016-02-03 21:23:05,下载2次
DIPLOMA-APPLICATION-PROJECT-LIST1.rar - revolution in this industry is the use of green light reflection photoplethysmography (PPG) which can be measured with a watch worn on the wrist. With PPG, heart rate is detected through measurement of changes in blood volume using either transmission or reflection of specific wavelengths of light [4]. In this study, we investigated the usability of a readily available optical heart rate sensor fromthe fitness industry for heart ratemonitoring in amedical setting.We compared the performance of the optical heart rate sensor with that of,2016-02-03 21:21:48,下载1次
ANDROID-LIST-2015.rar - The Bland–Altman analysis for repeated measures on 10-minute time windows in the awake state (around 7 PM) and during sleep (around 12 AM) was used to compare OHR and HRECG [6]. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare the average HRECG and OHR of all patients in a 10-minute window in both activity states. All signal preprocessing and statistical analyses were performed with MATLAB 2011a [7]. The studywas approved by the local research ethics committee of the Academic Centre for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe.,2016-02-03 21:20:25,下载2次
EMBEDDED-LIST-MASTER.rar - The MIO sensor emitted the OHR signal at 1 Hz. The method for derivation of this OHR the raw PPG signal was not made public by the manufacturers. Heart rate was extracted offline the ECG data using a MATLAB implementation of Afonso et al. [5]. Outliers (heart rate N±30 of previous heart rate)were replaced by the average of the previous two heartbeats. Heart rate from,2016-02-03 21:19:36,下载1次
BIG-DATA-PROJECT-LIST-2015.rar - Bland–Altman plot showing the mean difference and limits of agreement for the heart rate fragment containing a partial complex seizure in patient two. There is a negligible bias, and limits of agreement aremuch lower thanwhatweremeasured during the tonic–clonic seizure. (B) Heart rate signals acquiredwith bothmethods for the same seizure fragment. The depicted continuous lines are based on 1-Hz measurements (one datapoint per second). The red points are the outliers in Fig. 3A. Panel C shows the ECG signalwith an electrode connection problem during the seizure leading to a flat line in the ECG. The interpolated heart rate generated outliers in the Bland–Altman plot. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.),2016-02-03 21:18:23,下载1次
ANTENNA_PAPER.rar - Measurements during a tonic–clonic and a complex partial seizure are presented in Figs. 2 and 3. Especially during the tonic–clonic seizure, limits of agreement are high, possibly because the ECG signal is distorted. 3.3. Differences in measurements over all patients Both in wakefulness (U= 29, p = 0.69) and during sleep (U = 32, p=1.00), no significant difference in HRECG and OHR over all patients was found. 4. Discussion In ambulatory monitoring of patients,2016-02-03 21:17:37,下载1次
APPLICATION-PROJECT-LIST-2.rar - 1] Lamberts RJ, Thijs RD, Laffan A, Langan Y, Sander JW. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: people with nocturnal seizures may be at highest risk. Epilepsia 2012 53(2):253–7. [2] Zijlmans M, Flanagan D, Gotman J. Heart rate changes and ECG abnormalities during epileptic seizures: pr ence and definition of an objective clinical sign. Epilepsia 2002 43(8):847–54. [3] van Elmpt WJ, Nijsen TM, Griep PA, Arends JB. A model of heart rate changes to detect seizures in severe epilepsy. Seizure 2006 15(6):366–75. [4] Allen J. Photoplethysmography and its application in clinical physiological measurement. Physiol Meas 2007 28(3):R1-39. [5] Afonso V, Tompkins W, Nguyen T, Luo S. ECG beat detection,2016-02-03 21:16:21,下载5次
VLSI--PROJECT-LIST_AUG12015.rar - [6] Bland JM, Altman DG. Measuring agreement in method comparison studies. Stat Methods Med Res 1999 8:135–60. [7] MATLAB 2011a, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, United States. [8] Maeda Y, Sekine M, Tamura T. The advantages of wearable green reflected photoplethysmography. J Med Syst 2011 35(5):829–34. [9] Lee J, Matsumura K, Yamakoshi KI, Rolfe P, Tanaka S, Yamakoshi T. Comparison between red, green and blue light reflection photoplethysmography for heart rate monitoring during motion. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. IEEE 2013. p. 1724–7. [10] January CT,Wann L, Alpert JS, et al. AHA/ACC/HRS guideline for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society. J Am Coll Cardiol,2016-02-03 21:14:29,下载3次
VB.NET-LIST-2015-2016.rar - measured with the OHR sensor seems to be equivalent to the heart rate derived fromautomatic ECG analysis,withmean differencesmostly below two beats per minute. The variation in differences between both methods, however, is high during wakefulness and during the occurrence of two seizures included in the data. A possible explanation for this higher variation is that movement occurring during wakefulness and during seizures leads to artifacts in the ECG and, therefore, less reliable derivation of HRECG. This would be in line with previous studies proposing that,2016-02-03 21:13:31,下载1次
cadcam_projectlist.rar - measured with the OHR sensor seems to be equivalent to the heart rate derived fromautomatic ECG analysis,withmean differencesmostly below two beats per minute. The variation in differences between both methods, however, is high during wakefulness and during the occurrence of two seizures included in the data. A possible explanation for this higher variation is that movement occurring during wakefulness and during seizures leads to artifacts in the ECG and, therefore, less reliable derivation of HRECG. This would be in line with previous studies proposing that,2016-02-03 21:11:11,下载1次
ANDROID-APPLICATION-PROJECT-LIST.rar - heart rate produced by algorithms embedded in the commercially available optical heart rate sensor. An analysis of the raw PPG signal is necessary to fully assess the usability of PPG for heart rate detection in epilepsy, for instance, by also including measures for heart rate variability. Mean heart rate is a suitable measure to detect tachycardia, bradycardia, and asystole, which are importantmarkers of clinical relevance of seizures. However, in other medical settings, such as the uation of arrhythmias [10], more features of heart rate and ECG characteristics such as QT interval,which PPG currently cannot provide, are necessary for proper monitoring. Measurements in other patient groups are necessary,2016-02-03 21:10:10,下载3次
APPLICATION-PROJECT-LIST-1.rar - Considering ambulatory seizure monitoring, we found that the optical heart rate sensor has several advantages over the standard ECG. The lack of electrodes and wires reduces potential skin irritation, risk of losing signal due to electrodes falling off, and unwanted incidents due to wires. These advantages are especially prominent when a patient has a seizure involving high-frequency motion and/or increased sweating.,2016-02-03 21:09:11,下载1次
Main.rar - Abstract—Demand Response (DR) and Time-of-Use (TOU) pricing refer to programs which offer incentives to customers who curtail their energy use during times of peak demand. In this paper, we propose an integrated solution to predict and re-engineer the electricity demand (e.g., peak load reduction and shift) in a locality at a given day/time. The system presented in this paper expands DR to residential loads by dynamically scheduling and controlling appliances in each dwelling unit. A decision-support system is developed to forecast electricity demand in the home and enable the user to save energy by recommending optimal run time schedules for appliances, given user constraints and TOU pricing the utility company. The schedule is communicated to the smart appliances over a self-organizing home energy network and d by the appliance control interfaces developed in this,2016-01-27 00:15:25,下载29次
06341870.rar - Abstract—This paper proposes a new strategy to meet the controllable heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) load with a hybrid-renewable generation and energy storage system. Historical hourly wind speed, solar irradiance, and load data are used to stochastically model the wind generation, photovoltaic generation, and load. Using fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering, these data are grouped into 10 clusters of days with similar data points to account for seasonal variations. In order to minimize cost and increase efficiency, we use a GA-based optimization approach together with a two-point estimate method. Minimizing the cost function guarantees minimum PV and,2016-01-27 00:07:11,下载19次
Multifocus-Image-Fusion-Based-on-NSCT.rar - Abstract—To overcome the difficulties of sub-band coefficients selection in multiscale transform domain-based image fusion and solve the problem of block effects suffered by spatial domain-based image fusion, this paper presents a novel hybrid multifocus image fusion method. First, the source multifocus images are decomposed using the nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT). The low-frequency sub-band coefficients are fused by the sum-modified-Laplacian-based local visual contrast, whereas the high-frequency sub-band coefficients are fused by the local Log-Gabor energy. The initial fused image is subsequently reconstructed based on the inverse NSCT with the fused coefficients. Second, after analyzing the similarity between the previous fused image and the source images, the initial focus area detection map is obtained, which is used for achieving the decision map obtained by employing a mathematical morphology postprocessing technique. Finally, based on the decision,2016-01-27 00:03:11,下载15次
AUTOMATIC-GLAUCOMA.rar - Nowadays Automation occupies various electronic sections by its comfortable nature. This is an era of automation where it is broadly defined as replacement of manual effort by electronic power in all degrees of automation. The operation remains an essential part of the system although with changing demands on physical input as the degree of mechanization is increased. Degrees of automation are of two types, viz. ,2016-01-25 22:16:59,下载4次
WWWWW.rar - We propose a protocol for secure mining of association rules in horizontally distributed s. The current leading protocol is that of Kantarcioglu and Clifton [18]. Our protocol, like theirs, is based on the Fast Distributed Mining (FDM) algorithm of Cheung et al. [8], which is an unsecured distributed version of the Apriori algorithm. The main ingredients in our protocol are two novel secure multi-party algorithms—one that computes the union of private subsets that each of the interacting players hold, and another that tests the inclusion of an element held by one player in a subset held by another. Our protocol offers enhanced privacy with respect to the protocol in [18]. In addition, it is simpler and is significantly more efficient in terms of communication rounds, communication cost and computational cost.,2015-07-21 11:55:00,下载6次
ajassp.2014.969.977.rar - Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is vulnerable to node capture attacks in which an attacker can capture one or more sensor nodes and reveal all stored security information which enables him to compromise a part of the WSN communications. Due to large number of sensor nodes and lack of information about deployment and hardware capabilities of sensor node, key management in wireless sensor networks has become a complex task. Limited memory resources and energy constraints are the other issues of key management in WSN. Hence an efficient key management scheme is necessary which reduces the impact of node capture attacks and consume less energy. In this study, we develop a cluster based technique for key management in wireless sensor network.,2015-07-21 11:52:17,下载16次
trellis-coded-spatial-modulation-(3).rar - Trellis coded modulation (TCM) is a well known scheme that reduces power requirements without any bandwidth expansion. In TCM, only certain sequences of successive constellation points are allowed (mapping by set partitioning). The novel idea in this paper is to apply the TCM concept to the antenna constellation points of spatial modulation (SM). The aim is to enhance SM performance in correlated channel conditions. SM considers the multiple transmit antennas as additional constellation points and maps a first part of a block of information bits to the transmit antenna indices. Therefore, spatial multiplexing gains are retained and spectral efficiency,2015-07-21 11:48:05,下载13次
base-paper2.rar - Abstract—A novel algorithm to remove rain or snow streaks a video sequence using temporal correlation and low-rank matrix completion is proposed in this paper. Based on the observation that rain streaks are too small and move too fast to affect the optical flow estimation between consecutive frames, we obtain an initial rain map by subtracting temporally warped frames a current frame. Then, we decompose the initial rain map into basis vectors based on the sparse representation, and classify those basis vectors into rain streak ones and outliers with a support vector machine. We then refine the rain map by excluding the outliers. Finally, we remove the detected rain streaks by employing a low-rank matrix completion technique. Furthermore, we extend the proposed algorithm to stereo video deraining. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm detects and removes rain or snow streaks efficiently, outperforming conventional algorithms.,2015-07-21 11:46:13,下载11次
generalised.RAR - Abstract—A generalised spatial modulation (SM) scheme with multiple active transmit antennas, named as multiple activespatial modulation (MA-SM), is proposed in this paper. By allowing multiple transmitting antennas in the SM system to transmit different symbols at the same time instant, MA-SM takes advantages of the low complexity of SM and high multiplexing gain of Vertical-Bell Lab Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) system. In the MA-SM system, the transmitted symbols are mapped into a high dimensional constellation space including the spatial dimension. The general principle for designing the efficient MA-SM for arbitrary number of transmit antennas and modulation scheme is presented. Moreover, a near-optimal detection,2015-07-21 11:42:47,下载33次
Digital-Image-Sharing-by-Diverse-Image-Media.rar - the image security using diverse medis,2015-03-28 17:25:53,下载2次
pest-block-diagram.rar - pest identificatio in leafs...,2015-03-28 17:21:05,下载2次
compa.rar - comparator code for micarowind,2015-03-28 17:18:49,下载2次 - The block diagrams for embedded projects...,2015-02-27 23:15:20,下载1次
corrected-journal.rar - haar wavelet compression and encryption,2015-02-27 23:11:42,下载4次
HOE-TO-RUN.rar - HOW TO MATLAB EDGE DETECTION CODE,2015-02-27 23:04:04,下载2次
4.-IR-based-door-open-closed.rar - IR BASED PARKING LOT SYSTEMMM,2015-02-27 23:03:03,下载1次
3.-RF-based-audio-play.rar - audio play project with embedded concept,2015-02-27 23:00:31,下载2次
5.-ir-based-parking-system.rar - Embedded project for parking lot sensors,2015-02-27 22:59:33,下载2次
1.-android-based--Ignition-control.rar - application of mobile hardware development,2015-02-27 22:58:22,下载1次
Enhancement-of-LifetimeNetworks.rar - video putput of network life time project,2015-02-18 01:40:17,下载1次
10.rar - ppt for project development ,2015-02-18 01:33:17,下载2次
Harnessing-Wind-Energy-to-power-Sensor-Networks-( - WIND ENERGY HARVESTING,2015-02-12 17:57:57,下载3次
FLUX-SENSOR-GSM-WITH-VOICE.rar - program for flex sensors,2015-02-12 17:52:32,下载1次
BIOMEDICAL-PPT.rar - biomedical project for human health measuremnts.,2015-02-07 21:42:29,下载1次
sg_normalizesamplematrix.rar - MATLAB FILE TO PROJECT,2014-10-18 15:10:19,下载2次
sg_filterwithbank.rar - ALGORITHM FOR PALM RECOGNITION,2014-10-18 15:08:48,下载4次
sg_demo01.rar - MATLAB PROGRAM FOR RECOGNICTION,2014-10-18 15:08:14,下载2次
sg_createfilterf2.rar - face filter program for matlab,2014-10-18 15:06:29,下载2次
aaa.rar - for lincense plate recognition,2014-10-18 15:01:14,下载1次
Android_Application_project_list.rar - android project list for developers,2014-10-12 02:33:05,下载6次
GEAR-CUTTING-OPERATION-IN-LATHE.rar - gear cutting attachment ib lathe...milling and grinding,2014-10-07 14:09:13,下载5次
Monitoring-of-bedridden-patients-Development-of-a - Bio-medical project for flex sensor based.,2014-09-30 19:17:36,下载5次
nano-literature-survey.rar - Nano technology literature surevy,2014-09-19 12:53:49,下载2次
air-engine.rar - AIR ENGINE USING FREE WHEEL MECHANISM,2014-03-21 14:17:23,下载3次
CONVERTER2.rar - he MATLAB function is prepared to achieve function, median filtering, median filtering can reserve the image detail, and good salt pepper noise removal.,2014-03-21 14:03:19,下载2次
CONVERTER1.rar - converter topology for 3 level pf correction,2014-03-21 13:54:50,下载4次
NSPE005.rar - MATLAB CONCEPT FOR LUO CONVERTER IEEE,2014-01-25 22:29:14,下载13次
pfccuk.rar - MATLAB SIMULATION FOR CUK CONVERTER IEEE ,2014-01-25 22:16:06,下载28次
graph.rar - ns 2 graph generation for delay throughput,2013-11-19 18:29:01,下载4次
replicafinal.rar - NS2 CODING TO FIND REPLICA IN PACKET TRANSFER,2013-11-19 18:20:35,下载5次
block-diagram-Human-health-monitoring.rar - HEALTH MONITORING TOOL WINDOWS,2013-11-09 01:57:09,下载1次
How-to-display-image-in-GUI-using-Matlab-_-About- - GUI CREATING IN MATLAB EASY AND FAST,2013-11-09 01:56:17,下载2次 - Boost converter for voltage boost and buck.,2013-03-22 19:35:29,下载46次
snippets(1).rar - snippets for dot net & java,2013-02-28 16:28:01,下载3次

近期下载 - 采用matlab/simulink实现质子交换膜燃料电池的建模,可以使用作为分布式发电单元
Matlab_simulationg.rar - 智能天线波束形成算法仿真大全里面有各种算法的仿真包括最小均方误差SMIRLS等等经典的算法适合初学智能天线的学者研究代码精简望给好评
Beamforming-Algorithm.rar - 目前最全的自适应波束形成Matlab程序,包括了Capon、LCMV、LMS、RLS、mvdr、SMI算法、智能天线自适应波束形成算法等各类matlab程序。
lms5.rar - LMS算法和RLS算法的智能天线波束形成~~,可以运行~~~
MVDR.rar - 智能天线波束形成的LMS、SMI、RLS、MVDR算法的程序
SMI.rar - 智能天线波束形成的LMS、SMI、RLS算法的程序
Adaptive-beamforming-smart-antenna.rar - 智能天线自适应波束形成算法(LMS,RLS,MVDR1,MVDR2)
zntx.rar - 智能天线研究,然后对LMS算法进行介绍。最后,对智能天线阵列的三种组阵方式进行分析。三种组阵方式分别为均匀线阵、平面阵、均匀圆阵。对三种组阵阵元防线性、阵元位置及其波束形成进行分析。在分析的基础上有matlab对分析结构验证
time_delay_beamforming.rar - 延时求和波束形成用于雷达,天线和麦克风阵列滤波
lcmv.rar - ANTENNA ARRAY BEAMFORMING - 波束赋形的matlab代码,多天线阵列控制信号的方向和幅度来控制接收信号 - 针对阵列天线的模拟波束形成,在固定角度上阵列输出最大值。 - Beamforming code for antenna array - 用于天线阵列,声学传感器基阵,波束形成,适用于初学者 - 阵列天线多端口的馈电操作。在进行波束赋形或相控阵天线设计时,若天线端口数量巨大,可以用该程序一次实现对所有天线端口相位及赋值的输入。 - 外文资料里面的源代码,重要参数的提取,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),pwm整流器的建模仿真,滤波求和方式实现宽带波束形成。
Beamforming.rar - Matlab for beamforming of ULA and Plannar array antenna
circlebeamforming.rar - 圆形阵列的波束形成算子的matlab算子,在智能天线中有很好的应用
beam.rar - 内部连个文件,一个是多天线阵列的方向图,一个是多天线v-blast仿真程序,对学习波束成形的朋友有用。
Array-Antenna.rar - 移动通信中的智能天线系统源代码,波束面向用户,使用空间滤波和波束零陷技术.
