
注册日期:2013-03-07 12:43:44

AVR-2x16-character-LCD-display-universal-code-lib - AVR 2x16 character LCD display universal code library,2013-03-07 13:07:26,下载2次
Universal-Remote-Detection-v1.rar - Universal Remote Detection by CVAVR,2013-03-07 12:59:06,下载5次
ibutton-avr.rar - A microprocessor can easily generate 1-Wire timing signals if a dedicated bus master is not present. This application note provides an example, written in C , of the basic standard speed 1-Wire master communication routines that are used for iButton readout. Overdrive communication speed is also mentioned,2013-03-07 12:58:18,下载8次
mouse-avr.rar - we give you complete project for AVR readout of PS2 mouse position,2013-03-07 12:55:35,下载3次
keyboar-avr.rar - This project uses interrupts to interface a PS2 keyboard with AVR ATmega8535 but code can be very easily adjusted for any microcontroller,2013-03-07 12:52:03,下载4次
USART.rar - This tutorial will focus on setting up the serial USART on the AVR platform. Although other hardware AVR interfaces (eg, USI) can be con gured for limited RS-232 serial transmission and reception such alternatives will not be covered.,2013-03-07 12:47:22,下载1次

