
注册日期:2013-03-10 18:27:55

Linker_Archiever.rar - 加载器与归档器,深入介绍编译的全过程,连接的原理,对底层开发有大用处,2013-03-30 13:40:41,下载3次
PLX-PCI.rar - PCI9054的电路图+PCB,protel格式,2013-03-30 13:37:30,下载49次

Clifford_E._Cummings经典论文合集.rar - FPGA中经典模块的实现相关介绍文档,经典
FPGA-Prototyping-By-Verilog-Examples.rar - HDL (hardware description language) and FPGA (field-programmable gate array) devices allow designers to quickly develop and simulate a sophisticated digital circuit, realize it on a prototyping device, and verify operation of the physical implementation. As these technologies mature, they have become mainstream practice. We can now use a PC and an inexpensive FPGA prototyping board to construct a complex and sophisticated digital system. This book uses a learning by doing approach and illustrates the FPGA and HDL development and design process by a series of examples. A wide range of examples is included, a simple gate-level circuit to an embedded system with an 8-bit soft-core microcontroller and customized 110 peripherals. All examples can be synthesized and physically tested on a prototyping board.
Verilog.rar - 同济大学徐和根老师vhdl课程讲解的ppt
Clifford E Cummings.rar - Cummings的关于Verilog编码的论文,十几篇
