
注册日期:2013-03-25 18:37:08

上传列表 - This PPT is described Real-time Optimization for Distributed Model Predictive Control.,2014-11-07 18:21:42,下载5次 - This simulation model is conducted in PSACD to simulate the booster inverter to used it in the wind power simulation project. ,2014-11-07 18:12:14,下载5次 - This file contains an introduction to the PSCAD/EMTDC software tools using to simulate the power system in wind power. Good simulation models are provided in this document with real system data.,2014-11-07 18:03:18,下载8次 - This PDF presentation is described the simulation results of DFIG at a steady state as well as a dynamic mode.,2013-09-24 13:00:54,下载13次 - RELUCTANCE GENERATOR ROTOR EQUATION DESIGN ,2013-03-25 19:40:19,下载3次 - RELUCTANCE GENERATOR,2013-03-25 19:32:55,下载3次 - This file presents introduction to PSCAD program applications,2013-03-25 18:52:08,下载3次 - This file include the HVDC system simulation using PSCAD program ,2013-03-25 18:44:51,下载23次

Lfnewton.rar - solution for newton raphson load flow analysis
Overcurrentprotctioncircuit.rar - 本文档是关于过六保护电路的设计,包含有过流保护的原理和电路图。
Power system reactive power - 电力系统无功优化相关,基于粒子群优化算法的电力系统无功优化设计
Power-system-reliability-evaluation.rar - 发电系统可靠性评估课件,适合电力系统自动化专业学生自学
Power-system-reliability-analysis.rar - 电力系统可靠性分析,清华大学出版 PDF版,系统讲解电力系统可靠性研究领域今年来取得的成果
MATLAB_SIMULINK_in_power_system.rar - 电力系统的MATLAB+SIMULINK仿真与应用
Power-System-Matlab---Saadat.rar - Matlab code for power system analysis
power-system-stability-analysis.rar - 用于电力系统的稳定性分析:以matlab实现等面积定则。
MPPT.rar - 最大功率跟踪爬山法的控制模型,可成功跟踪,带滤波 - MPPT using slidingmode control for DFIG - 变步长爬山法在双馈风力发电系统最大风能跟踪控制中的应用
21__430_436.rar - The generating systems use Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) to achieve high conversion efficiency and to reduce the installation cost. This paper presents a modeling and Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control method of DFIG-based variable-speed wind energy conversion system. The generator considered is a wound rotor induction machine whose stator is connected directly to the grid and the rotor is fed through back-to-back Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) converters. Stator flux-oriented vector control is applied to control the active and reactive current loops independently. The MPPT control method in a Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) is proposed. The proposed control solution aims at driving the position of the operating point near to optimality. This is a very important aspect to maintain DFIGs efficiently in a variable wind speed. The wind generator is modeled in RSCAD program which is interfaced with the Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS).
simulation-files.rar - this file contain 5 simulation file in matlab siftware 1- motor control with fuzzy 2-MPPT with fuzzy 3-lightning protection 4-Mass- Spring model simulation 5-Optimal power flow with PSO
