
注册日期:2013-04-11 16:07:34

OV528.rar - A small program that interacts with a camera module OV528. It works as it is. You just need to add the module and connect it through an USB to UART. You can tweak it to your own bidding from here.,2013-04-11 16:56:17,下载15次
Seismograph.rar - A program that runs along with the MemstoUart project I uploaded earlier. It takes accelerometer data and makes it in a shiny looking graph that redraws itself with new data. It is quite fast too, the communication protocol is as simple as possible to make it small => less bytes to transmit.,2013-04-11 16:48:39,下载4次
CustomItoA.rar - For times when you don t have itoa available or it takes too much code and you have a tiny uC with 1k flash you could use this version. It is compact and hand written to meet my needs. Hoping my needs are not unique.,2013-04-11 16:42:57,下载4次
MemsUart.rar - This is a sample code for STM32F4 DISCOVERY board. It basically gets data from the accelerometer makes some calculations and sends it UART, I use an FTDI chip for uart to usb communication with my PC. With a simple PC program you could collect that data and make a graph or whatever you wish. I Used CooCox IDE to make that project. It is ready to use if you have that software. Otherwise you can still use the code with a bit of tweaking if for some reason you have different peripheral libraries for that board.,2013-04-11 16:33:33,下载18次

