
注册日期:2013-05-01 13:05:58

empirical-study-usin-pso.zip - This study uses an empirical study of the efficiency of Particle swarm optimization (PSO) in segmentation of brain abnormalities. Presently, segmentation poses one of the most challenging problems in medical imaging. Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images is an important part of brain imaging research. In this study, we used controlled experimental data as our testing data. The data is designed which that prior knowledge of the size of the abnormalities are known.,2013-05-01 13:33:15,下载6次
ABC-algo.zip - A powerful and efficient algorithm for numerical function optimization: artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm. Swarm intelligence is a research branch that models the population of interacting agents or swarms that are able to self-organize. An ant colony, a flock of birds or an immune system is a typical example of a swarm system. Bees’ swarming around their hive is another.,2013-05-01 13:28:21,下载3次
Advantage-ofconverter_based_facts--controller.zip - Advantage ofconverter_based_facts -controller. This paper presents the switching-converter-based approach to Flexible AC Transmission Systems from an application viewpoint. It is shown that this approach, apart from providing superior performance characteristics when applied for shunt and series reactive compensation.,2013-05-01 13:21:01,下载2次

LPCC.rar - this is lpcc matlab code
lpcc.zip - 这是基于matlab的关于LPCC (Linear Predictive Cepstral Coding)(线性预测倒谱系数) 的代码,对大家理解有一定帮助。
LFCC-FEATURE-EXTRACTION.rar - function for lpcc feature extractions.functions taken from voicebox toolbox
lpcc.zip - 通过matlab编程,提取心音的lpc和lpcc特征。主要用到lenvinson-durbin算法,包含心音的分帧处理,并含有程序解析
LPCC.rar - This matlab program will give LPCC value for a speech signal.
LPCC.zip - 线性预测倒谱系数(Linear Prediction Cepstrum Coefficient,LPCC)是线性预测系数(Linear Prediction Coefficient,LPC)在倒谱域中的表示。该特征是基于语音信号为自回归信号的值设,利用线性预测分析获得倒谱系数。
