
注册日期:2013-05-10 03:55:01

OS-server.rar - It s my work again) Now it is server and client for spying system - screenshots from client are sent to server, while user working),2013-05-10 04:48:31,下载2次
findwithmask.rar - A program that seaches for files, using your mask - very simple),2013-05-10 04:32:26,下载2次
SickRegistrator.rar - This program was written for my mom. But unfortunately the nessecerity of it faded and I did n finish it=( It have no DB connections. Those days I thought I could work without it - pour me))),2013-05-10 04:18:29,下载2次
TYAPCursa4.rar - My first code-verifying program. Now I m working on a program that would find defects in source code and fix them.,2013-05-10 04:15:13,下载2次
diploma.rar - This is my first diploma. In russian. I made a research in the speech recognition without using banks of data,2013-05-10 04:12:41,下载4次
Rasp_Engine(BetaRelease).rar - It was my first sheduler program. I don t sure if it works or not, I remeber it was pretty slow. Maybe you ll take some ideas from it:),2013-05-10 04:05:34,下载1次
chess.rar - This is my pre-released chess program. I wrote it as a work for my cources. Didn t finish it. Want to finish in future, some time later:),2013-05-10 03:59:26,下载2次

