
注册日期:2013-05-11 21:39:57

recog.rar - The sign language recognition to create a to store the training image, the video capture infront the user image and each sign language assign the letter the preprocessing the image then image is convert into rgg to cbcr. The image is segmented feature extract the shape and skin color then use the svm classification. ,2014-10-28 19:14:13,下载18次
sign.rar - Display the original image and to a gca format.The image is convert into rgb2hsv the segment the original image. And extracted the feature in the segmented image.,2014-10-28 19:04:31,下载2次
morphology.rar - The morphology operation to read the image and convert the rgb2gray, and convert in to the binaring the input image.Adding the binary noise to the image next the input image to make text in white and background in black. Next do the two operation dilation and erosion. ,2014-10-08 13:17:01,下载3次
Gridding.rar - To read the micro array gray scale image, and image equalization using histogram equalization.To finding or assigning the location of each spot in the micro array image.,2014-09-04 14:46:38,下载12次
mmm.rar - to read the image and crop the specified area to convert RGB image next to convert gray scale image to find the histogram equalization,2013-05-16 22:02:53,下载2次
micro.rar - to read the image and crop the specified area to convert RGB image next to convert gray scale image to find the histogram equalization,2013-05-16 21:59:53,下载3次

