
注册日期:2013-05-14 16:33:01

VEERING.zip - An investigation of the effects of disorder on the modes of vibration of nearly periodic structures is presented. It is shown that, in structures with close eigenvalues, small structural irregularities result in both strong localization of the mode shapes and abrupt veering away, or mutual repulsion, of the loci of the eigenvalues when these are plotted against a parameter representing the disorder in the system,2013-05-14 17:03:06,下载3次
fe_bem_notes_sncw.zip - Boundary element methods for acoustics,2013-05-14 16:57:59,下载3次
bem_solve.zip - This function solves the boundary integral equation (2.33) in the notes by the simplest boundary element method in the 2D case (though the code applies in 3D if the function G is redefined to be the 3D Green s function).,2013-05-14 16:54:44,下载29次
Circle_MEF.zip - Program for solving problem of propagation of a time-harmonic plane wave along the x-axis,2013-05-14 16:50:17,下载7次
2DCircle.zip - CODE DE RESOLUTION DE L EQUATION D HELMOTZ EN FORMULATION INTEGRALE 2D Problème Fréquentiel Intérieur avec Condition en flux (Neumann),2013-05-14 16:48:14,下载6次

