
注册日期:2013-07-06 07:46:38

reed solomon.rar - Reed Solomon code is a linear cyclic systematic non-binary block code. In the encoder Redundant symbols are generated using a generator polynomial and appended to the message symbols,2021-01-06 06:54:21,下载0次
2.rar - RS reed solomon error corrlation matlab code source,2021-01-06 06:43:21,下载0次
matlab-lsb-steganography.rar - Data Encryption by watermarking using lsb ,2016-06-19 23:30:40,下载6次
n8.rar - majed souce calculace average marks fo sutudent collage using visual basic 2010 that is very important ,2014-02-23 21:52:51,下载1次

hill2.rar - 实现2x2希尔加密,能够指定加密矩阵并输出解密后的信息 - enhanced hill cipher
CRYPTO.rar - cryptography HILL in matlab
Machine.rar - 由正则表达式生成有限自动机,显示有限自动机的状态和动作等,方便学习有限自动机课程。 - Matlab源码,模拟量子密钥分配,simulate Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) - NTRU算法原理与实现。参数产生、密钥产生、加密解密过程。 - ntru1.2,网络安全,网络加密,公钥密码算法,格理论,分配机制
RS编码.rar - 利用matlab实现RS编码,并进行纠错算法
RS码.rar - matlab rs码相关编码,包含编解码等内容
RS纠错编码原理及其实现方法.rar - RS纠错编码原理及其实现方法 matlab信道编码
Matlab-project.rar - roots -Polynomial roots Syntax r = roots(c) Description r = roots(c) returns a column vector whose elements are the roots of the polynomial c. Row vector c contains the coefficients of a polynomial, ordered in descending powers. If c has n+1 components, the polynomial it represents is . Tips Note the relationship of this function to p = poly(r), which returns a row vector whose elements are the coefficients of the polynomial. For vectors,roots and poly are inverse functions of each other, up to ordering, scaling, and roundoff error.
McEliece-The-theory-of-information-and-coding.pdf - The Theory of Information and Coding, 2nd Edition by Robert McEliece. California Institute of Technology. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications(No. 86) - McEliece加密算法的c语言实现,欢迎对加密算法感兴趣的一同探讨 - Binary Extended Goppa Codes Generation
diffie_hellman.rar - Implement Diffie-Hellman Key exchange protocol and demonstrate that at the end, both person will have a common Key. Do the following: 1. Set a variable p ( e.g. p = 37) and g (e.g. g = 5). 2. Generate a, a random number mod p. Now generate A, which is g raised to the a power mod p i.e. A = (ga) mod p . 3. Do the step 2 for b and B. 4. A and B are public keys. Generate a session key with them set s1 to B raised to the a power mod p so s1 = (Ba) mod p. 5. Do the step 4 with A and b i.e. (Ab) mod p = s2. 6. check the correctness i.e. check whether you came up with the s1 == s2. (b) Write a program to demonstrate the man in the middle attack is possible using an example. You can perform set up as described in the above problem.
003.rar - 本程序可以产生一组正态模拟数,用来模拟实际生产中服从或近似服从正态分布的数据,很有用。
