
注册日期:2013-11-20 20:46:11

Stegno.zip - Steganography application coded with matlab,2013-12-21 00:23:43,下载5次
Fundamentals-of-Video.rar - The rapid presentation of frames of video information to give you the illusion of smooth motion or smooth change. ,2013-11-24 20:29:50,下载1次
Intro-to-JAVA-by-Amlan-Chakrabarti.rar - Came into existence at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. Was initially called “Oak” but was renamed JAVA. Originally it was not developed for the Internet but as a software to be embedded in various consumer electronic devices. Derives much of its character from C/C++. ,2013-11-24 20:20:57,下载2次
Idea.rar - Overview: This code does the following: - print out all encryption and decryption subkeys which are used in the encryption and decryption process - encrypts plaintext message - decrypts ciphertext message - shows detailed, round by round results 8 total)Program contains a user driven menu where the user can select initial 128-bit key and also select messages to decrypt and encrypt.,2013-11-20 21:20:32,下载3次
Steganography-and-Watermarking.zip - Steganography and watermarking bring a variety of very important techniques how to hide important information in an undetectable and/or irremovable way in audio and video data. ,2013-11-20 21:12:50,下载4次
International-Data-Encryption-Algorithm.zip - IDEA was used as the symmetric cipher in early versions of the Pretty Good Privacy cryptosystem,2013-11-20 21:06:38,下载2次

