
注册日期:2013-11-26 20:37:59

papr-pour-ofdm.rar - In this section, the PAPR performance of the proposed algorithms is shown. To evaluate the PAPR performance, the CCDF is employed. The specification detail of simulation parameters is given in TABLE I. In Fig. 5 is shown the PAPR with a PTS method (U = 8) and conventional PTS (U = 4) are improved 4.3 dB and 2.6 dB from ordinary MIMO-OFDM signal when CCDF = 10− 4 respectively and Fig. 6 is shown the PAPR with an optimal PTS method in case of 128 subcarriers.,2013-11-26 21:08:20,下载28次
PTSandSLM.rar - In this paper, we have proposed a new PAPR reduction technique in MIMO-OFDM systems. It achieves the result which proves the PAPR of 2×2 MIMO-OFDM systems. The parameters of the simulation are determined by standard IEEE 802.11n. From the simulation results, it is shown the proposed method has better PAPR performance in this system. Additionally, when the number of sub-blocks is increased, high PAPR reduction performance can be obtained.,2013-11-26 20:50:37,下载34次

