
注册日期:2014-01-19 06:40:28

terminate-kernel-process.zip - The source code of the program, showing an example of forced completion of all processes, including anti-virus Kaspersky, Agnitum, etc., using the driver PsTerminateProcess feature in Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7, 8. ,2016-11-19 04:41:57,下载4次
windows-api-sendmessage.zip - The source program that shows how to work with outsiders windows (windows and sending messages components derived various data programs, and more) - Author unknown. ,2016-11-19 04:35:08,下载1次
AES.rar - AES File Encryption source,2016-11-18 22:59:59,下载2次
1.rar - 没什么特别的吧,就使用了Google Charts的API WinInet实现Get请求 二维码生成器 源代码下载地址,2016-11-18 22:18:03,下载3次
PasLibVlc.zip - Componennt to read RTSP streams,2016-11-18 21:35:18,下载9次
taudioconverter-code-f4d25fbd55d534387959961be4b5 - AudioConverter Audio Converter programm,2015-08-24 05:43:32,下载3次
stream-player.zip - Stream Audio Player delphi source code,2015-08-24 05:41:17,下载6次
Professional_Sc.rar - Professional Screen Camera Delphi Unit v.3.0 Support more video codecs,2015-08-24 05:39:41,下载3次
bass-video.zip - DVD video player. Supporting more video format,2015-08-24 05:37:25,下载8次
bass-scan-thread.zip - BASS ScanThread engine,2015-08-24 05:34:43,下载4次
mozaa-ext-dos-emulator.zip - MozaaEXT DOS Emulator delphi sources,2015-08-24 05:32:35,下载1次
animation-scanline.zip - Nice example of animation scanline,2015-08-24 05:28:26,下载3次
find-image-fast.zip - This source can help you to Recognize picture fragment in big picture,2015-08-24 04:04:44,下载1次
captcha.zip - This source generate captcha, for test real user or bot,2015-08-24 03:59:53,下载3次
BarCode39.rar - Source to generate BarCode39 codes,2015-08-24 03:56:47,下载3次
_qip_stealer_src.zip - QIP password stealer source delphi,2014-06-29 06:22:16,下载5次
FF-DLL-Injector.rar - Firefox hooks LdrLoadDll so you can t inject a DLL, this code unhooks it and injects the DLL.,2014-06-29 06:17:51,下载15次
registry-Write-startup-win7.rar - how to... registry Write startup win7,2014-01-19 06:47:08,下载2次
registry-Read-win7.rar - how to... registry Read win 7,2014-01-19 06:44:11,下载3次

TMS-Component-Pack-v5.8.0.rar - TMS Component Pack v5.8.0
mywebcracker.zip - 获取chrome,firefox浏览器的口令记录,前提是用户有保存,本地有口令记录的源纪录
cl341.zip - CryptLib(v3.41)是一个加密安全工具包,利用此加密库接口,可以很容易地为各种应用系统提供安全服务,如加/解密、数字签名、认证等。该文件是从官方下载的最新版(3.41)。
Mcode.rar - delphi应用,对javascript工具代码进行生成
javascript_in_delphi.zip - Javascript in Delphi paint board Samples program
JsDelphi.rar - Delphi与Js交互,主要用在最近比较流行的盒子编程中。
JavaScriptOptionOfDelphi.zip - 用Delphi来操作Javascript的类
Dephi-JavaScript.rar - delphi中调用javascript示例
JavaScriptCallDelphiProcedure.zip - JavaScript调用Delphi过程
delphi_script.zip - 演示如何执行JavaScript和VBScript
Faucets.rar - bot faucet cryptocurrency bitcoin, others
Crypt0r v 0.1.rar - Use external commands to control bitcoin mining from delphi
200308140426306265.zip - 基于SNMP、FTP、HTTP等通讯方式的源码集合
Google.rar - Google地图用Delphi实现,可以用来开发GPS地图
PM05BSE.rar - POP3协议 delphi开发的邮箱程序,可以配置发件人和收件人信息,接受和发送功能。
recemail.rar - 基于delphi的邮件接收客户端,希望对大家有用
Indy_10_MailClient.zip - indy 10 demo - mail client demo source
Foxmail-Filter-2014.2.25.rar - Foxmail为大家熟悉及常用的客户端软件,方便好用。7.X推出之后更吸引了很多的用户,但有一点非常不好用,就是过滤器的使用。本人工作中会接收很多的部门及人员的邮件,所以设置了很多的过滤器,但这样导致了了列表很长,过滤器没有查找过滤功能,使用非常不方便。 该代码为100 原生开发,分析了Foxmail 7.x的几个重要文件,列出了过滤器名称及邮件目录设置信息。可以往下一步实现过滤器的增强功能。
zzyxkfd.zip - 自制邮件发送客户端,适合初学者进行学习研究,不错的源码
emailFSKHD.rar - delphi自制邮件发送客户端,内附详细源码以及说明,
