
注册日期:2014-01-22 00:34:39

上传列表 - In this paper, we make contact with the field of nonparametric statistics and present a development and generalization of tools and results for use in image processing and reconstruction. In particular, we adapt and expand kernel regression ideas for use in image denoising, upscaling, interpolation, fusion, and more. Furthermore, we establish key relationships with some popular existing methods and show how several of these algorithms, including the recently popularized bilateral filter, are special cases of the proposed framework. The resulting algorithms and analyses are amply illustrated with practical examples.,2014-01-22 00:51:54,下载4次 - This paper introduces an extremely robust adaptive denoising filter in the spatial domain. The filter is based on non-parametric statistical estimation methods, and in particular generalizes an adaptive method proposed earlier by Fukunaga [1]. To denoise a pixel, the proposed filter computes a locally adaptive set of weights and window sizes, which can be proven to be optimal in the context of non-parametric estimation using kernels. While we do not report analytical results on the statistical efficiency of the proposed method in this paper, we will discuss its derivation, and experimentally demonstrate its effectiveness against competing techniques at low SNR and on real noisy data.,2014-01-22 00:49:39,下载5次 - Digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms exhibit an increasing need for the e#cient implementation of complex arithmetic operations. The computation of trigonometric functions, coordinate transformations or rotations of complex valued phasors is almost naturally involved with modern DSP algorithms. Popular application examples are algorithms used in digital communication technology and in adaptive signal processing. While in digital communications, the straightforward evaluation of the cited functions is important, numerous matrix based adaptive signal processing algorithms require the solution of systems of linear equations, QR factorization or the computation of eigenvalues, eigenvectors or singular values. All these tasks can be e#ciently implemented using processing elements performing vector rotations. The COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer algorithm (CORDIC) offersthe opportunity to calculate all the desired functions in a rather simple and elegant way.,2014-01-22 00:47:50,下载1次
[ebook]-DSP---Introduction-to-Signal-Processing-( - [ebook] DSP - Introduction to Signal Processing (code in C & MatLab),2014-01-22 00:38:30,下载2次

