
注册日期:2014-04-22 23:32:04

上传列表 - .NET Reflector was the first CLI assembly browser.[citation needed] It can be used to inspect, navigate, search, analyze, and browse the contents of a CLI component such as an assembly and translates the binary information to a human-readable form. By default Reflector allows decompilation of CLI assemblies into C#, Visual Basic .NET, Common Intermediate Language and F# (alpha version). Reflector also includes a "Call Tree" that can be used to drill down into intermediate language methods to see what other methods they call. It will show the metadata, resources and XML documentation. .NET Reflector can be used by .NET developers to understand the inner workings of code libraries, to show the differences between two versions of the same assembly, and how the various parts of a CLI application interact with each other. There are a large number of add-ins for Reflector. ,2014-04-22 23:52:24,下载1次 - Deblector is finally relased as Open Source project. Current release works with the latest version of reflector, the compatibility problem are fixed. Last edited Sep 1, 2007 at 10:12 AM by felixpollan, version 3,2014-04-22 23:40:17,下载26次
Anyworks_Src_22.rar - AnyCAD Free not only supports sketch primitives such as line, rectangle, arc, circle, spline… but also supports feature tools such as extrude, chamfer, revole, boolean… and sphere, box, cylinder, cone. ,2014-04-22 23:37:58,下载7次 - NET Reflector has a comprehensive add-in model, with an API that lets you extend the tool to suit to your exact needs. The API also lets other tools take advantage of .NET Reflector s unparalleled decompilation and disassembly abilities to complement their own functionality. The best thing is, building your own add-in is painless. ,2014-04-22 23:34:45,下载5次

