
注册日期:2014-04-29 22:44:10

上传列表 - MISRA-C:2012 Standards Model Summary for C / C++ Please note that this is only SUMMARY version of the MISRA-C -: 2012.It is correct as of 25th September 2013.,2017-04-30 15:50:40,下载57次
RIOT-for-LPC1768.rar - Implementation of RIOT-OS for mbed-LPC1768 Boards, completely efficient and bug-free for IOT purposes. RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things (IoT): 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers. RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access, independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX compliance).,2017-01-18 15:38:59,下载5次
PJON_ASK.rar - PJON_ASK was an early implementation of the PJON Standard, designed to be compatible with noisy and unreliable media like cheap 315/433Mhz ASK/FSK/OOK radio transceivers. Bassed on arduino boards but not necessarily dependent on them. ,2017-01-18 15:27:00,下载1次
EEROM-EMBED.rar - EEPROM interface library for Microchip s 24XX EEPROM family, for LPC1768 - although it s based on mbed liberary and LPC1768 chip but it s not necessarily depended on them and it s Cross- platform. Tested with: 24C02, 24C08, 24C16, 24C64, 24C256, 24C512, 24C1025 24LC02, 24LC08, 24LC16, 24LC64, 24LC256, 24LC512, 24LC1025 24AA02, 24AA08, 24AA16, 24AA64, 24AA256, 24AA512, 24AA1025 ,2017-01-18 15:19:57,下载16次
LWIP-tcp-Client.rar - Implementation of LWIP TCP/IP client for LPC1768 - based on LPCOPEN libraries - fully commented - although it is based on LPC1768 and LPCOPEN libraries it s not necessarily dependent on them and its a Cross-platform library.,2017-01-18 15:11:10,下载3次
MDK(MATLAB).rar - The STM32 Embedded Target enables systems and software engineers to quickly deploy their application models in MATLAB and Simulink to STM32 MCUs. The target leverages ARM CMSIS optimizations for Embedded Coder® to generate code that is highly optimized for STM32 devices. The STM32 Embedded Target lets you verify and profile STM32 F4 execution results versus Simulink simulation behavior using PIL testing. It provides a Simulink blockset library containing STM32 F4 peripherals that are configured for integration and immediate use with algorithm code generated by Embedded Coder. The process code generation to programming is fully automated and integrated as part of the push-button code generation process. EWARM (IAR), TrueSTUDIO (Atollic) or Keil MDK (ARM) toolchains can be used.,2015-09-26 16:58:04,下载7次 - Flower pollination is an intriguing process in the natural world. Its evolutionary characteristics can be used to design new optimization algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, namely, flower pollination algorithm, inspired by the pollina- tion process of flowers. We first use ten test functions to validate the new algorithm, and compare its performance with genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. Our simulation results show the flower algorithm is more efficient than both GA and PSO. We also use the flower algorithm to solve a nonlinear design benchmark, which shows the convergence rate is almost exponential.,2014-05-12 20:13:39,下载60次 - Solving Classic 8 queens dilemma in matlab, In chess, a queen can move as far as she pleases, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. A chess board has 8 rows and 8 columns. The standard 8 by 8 Queen s problem asks how to place 8 queens on an ordinary chess board so that none of them can hit any other in one move.,2014-04-30 17:12:18,下载8次

PCI Express.rar - PCIe板卡的PCB模板,altiumdesigner格式
